Ok, so it’s early days but I am almost three weeks into decapeptyl treatment. I’m taking the 28 day injections so will have the second next week. My consultant prescribed me HRT (tibolone) which I’ve been taking since I had my injection.
The consultant said to expect ‘some bleeding’ 10-14 days after the injection which appeared in the form of the heaviest period I’ve ever had. With it came the usual terrible period pains and these haven’t died down. My period finished four days ago and I’m still finding these pains really debilitating.
I am still experiencing daily stabbing pains low down in the right side of my abdomen (right ovary?), along with dull pelvic and lower back pain which radiates into my legs.
I’ve had quite a bit of time off work this year due to a hospital admission for endometriosis-related plain plus a further admission for a laparoscopy. The lap was done privately through my employer’s health insurance and if I’m honest, it’s clear they are expecting me to be ‘sorted’ now.
I’ve read lots of stories about the side effects of decapeptyl being unbearable - that’s not my experience so far - just chronic fatigue and headaches. But I haven’t heard any experience of people whose pain doesn’t subside.
Anyone experienced this? Would really appreciate any info. My laparoscopy only showed stage 2 endo so think my consultant was wondering whether my pain might not actually be gynae pain. I’m worried that in telling him the decapeptyl hasn’t made much difference he will send me off for yet more investigations (maybe colorectal?) and I’ll continue to be in this seventh circle of hell. I’m sure my pain is gynae- related - particularly as it’s so painful following my period.
Would be great to understand if I’m alone in this experience - feel like I’m going mad!