Ok so this is what it looks like. I’ve cleaned it just now so slightly wet but it’s hard black blood scab... I’ve cleaned with salt boiling water some of the scab has come away from the shower / cleaning. Does it look ok?
Belly button incision warning with picture. - Endometriosis UK
Belly button incision warning with picture.

Hi Kate. I had this operation last August and yours looks ok to me. I hope your recovery is speedy and you feel better for it x
I think the black scab makes it look A million times worse in my mind. Having a shower and cleaning has made the scab come away a lot. I don’t want to be picking at it though.
It looks better than what you described it as earlier lol!
Yeah leave it as it is, it looks fine, there's stitches there right? Leave the whole thing as it is, you don't want to end up with the stitches half hanging off. It looks nice and healthy
Dissolveable stitches but not sure how long they take to go , by the looks of it by belly button has changed completely haha what I thought was pus is actually a new belly button bit 😂😂😂
I’ve had a shower and cleaned it out with salt water so some of the scab has broken away now.. do I just keep the air to it?
I think the big black scab made me think omg lol so worried more
mine took 3 weeks to dissolve, the tops from the knot kind of just fell off.
ahh looks like a nice belly button though
yeah just leave open to the air unless you're wearing clothes that could catch, pjs and jogging bottoms should be fine as long as the tie up waist thing isn't on the inside.
Ah cool I’m best just to let it do it’s thing then. I thought the little white bits where stitches but they just belly button hairs that had gone in with the scab haha!
I think it looks ok. If it makes you nervous or uncomfortable to look at I would recommend putting a bandaid or something over it. I have found that out of sight, out of mind, keeps me from driving myself crazy over things like this.
Hiya looks fine looks like mine was had the black scabs I think it was just a clump of dried blood that would not come off. It took like two weeks to budge and that’s when I picked it when I got it wet to make it easier, I didn’t realise it was attached to one of my stitches. The stitches on my belly button took 3 weeks to come off. And just over two weeks for my abdomen ones, but everyone is different
Looks just like mine did- I had my stitches removed and the nurse dealt with it! It looked much better once off.
Hope your recovery is going well