Hi girls,
Just a quick question. Does anyone get pelvic pain or pinching when they're coming to the end of their period?
Many thanks. Xx
Hi girls,
Just a quick question. Does anyone get pelvic pain or pinching when they're coming to the end of their period?
Many thanks. Xx
Yeah I get pain a few before, during and a few days after my period. I’m still waiting for a diagnosis though xx
I've had a diagnosis via symptoms but not with a lap. It's horrible isn't it?
I find one day I can be ok, but another I can have pain also. X
Yeah my days of pain vary tbh. My doctor thinks I have endo but a lap is the only official way to diagnose it. Even though I’m not looking forward it haha.
My symptoms are textbook signs but I don’t have pain everyday like some women do, which makes me doubt whether I have it or not. But I have painful, heavy periods, painful sex etc xx
Same, I had an ultrasound to see if I was one of the lucky few where it might show but no such luck.
I have the textbook symptoms also but again don't have pain every day. I go through strange stages where I'll have pain sporadically and then it can disappear for a little while then return again.
The one thing I don't have is a proper full bleed, I just bleed black basically. I'm so morbid I menstruate oil! lol xx
My ultrasound was clear last year but when an endo specialist was feeling around, he felt a lot of tenderness. My doctors thinks it may have spread to my bowel and bladder if I do have it. 😫 xx
Yes that happens to me every end of my period. I have no idea why it does tho! Yes I have been diagnosed with endometriosis. xoxo
Yes I get that every period. It’s very painful! Sharp/stabbing pains in either side. I am not diagnosed yet; just have all the symptoms. Are you on any medication?