Laparoscopy advice and tips??: I’ve finally... - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy advice and tips??

hlg1712 profile image
9 Replies

I’ve finally got a date for my diagnostic laparoscopy, it’s just over 6 weeks away. Does anyone have any advice or tips for before and after the procedure? I’ve never had any type of surgery before, so I am nervous but at the same time I’m looking forward to possible answers. Also roughly how long would recovery take? I’m also getting the marina coil fitted, anyone know if it is worth it?

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hlg1712 profile image
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Cjlc profile image

Make sure you take comfy loose fitting clothes to come home in. I wore some new pjs and I took my dressing gown. Take a book or magazine as well because there might be people having the same op on the same day and you could be waiting a while. I waiting nearly 3 hours to have mine done!! Also make sure everything is done at home before you leave for the op. For example make sure your bed is ready to get straight in to and you have a selection of nice films to watch. You will literally just want to go home and sleep! I didn’t leave the sofa for 2 days after my op because I was still sore. I didn’t go back to work for a week and I felt this was too soon. (Had a job where I was on my feet for 12 hours!) everyone is different tho and you may be fine once you’ve had it but prepare for the worse and have everything in place to make life easier for when you come home. I was meant to have the coil fitted but changed my mind on the day after hearing mixed reviews on it and I’m glad I didn’t have it fitted now but that’s just my personal opinion. Do whatever you feel you should do. Good luck with your op! X

Jojo2088 profile image

I had my 2nd lap last week, feel free to ask me any questions! I had the endo excised and a mirena fitted. I had no idea what to expect, my first lap was 7 years ago and I don't remember it so well.

Before tips:

Prepare mentally. You will be a couch potato for several days. I knew this but I just couldn't face watching tv and blobbing I coloured, read, stalked people on Instagram haha!

Do a food shop before surgery. I got some little treats like the alpro soya milkshakes, I'm not dairy free but I worried my stomach would be super sensitive and it is a good source of protein - healing! I also got yogurts, bread and quick things for dinner. If you don't have anyone looking after you...paper plates. I still can't wash up. I also got peppermint tea for any gas pain, bio oil for my scars and lots of paracetamol and ibuprofen!

Do you need to do a bowel prep? Get some bathroom wipes, they're soft and smell really nice. Think about your diet 1-2 days before hand too, I was recommended a low fibre diet and then I basically starved myself for a day.

Make sure everything is waist high. You can't bend after surgery so think about what is by your bed and my the sofa, can you reach everything?

Tidy. This might not be what you're expecting but you won't be able to do any house work for a while and it's a nice excuse to sort out that cupboard or wardeobe you've been meaning to do since Christmas. It also takes your mind off surgery. Distraction!

After surgery tips:

Have someone look after you. My boyfriend has been so supportive and helpful. But he won't let me do anything haha! Luckily he's been on holiday so I've had him with me everyday.

Listen to your body. I felt super sore, I did not move much from the sofa on my second day at home. I just felt rotten.

Pillows, everywhere. I slept with 3 but I could have used more haha!

Comfy pjs, my lovely friend bought me pjs a size too big so they wouldn't irritate my incision sites and swollen belly. I also wore a nightie for 3 days because even knickers felt too tight!

I usually shower every day but it is such a mission to do after surgery. I use facewipes to have a little facewipes bath so that I feel clean but without the long, uncomfortable shower and then the long nap after to recover!

Keep a note of when you take pain meds. The fist day at home I just couldn't remember and needed to write it down.

Eat small portions. You will get hungry but you will also fill up quickly. I had one particularly tasty dinner, are a little too much and then felt so sore and bloated after.

Are you staying in hospital? I packed a hospital bag but actually only used my dressing gown, my headphones, moisturiser, phone and facewipes. I brought my iPad, kindle, a million toiletries etc but I didn't need them.

When you come back from the hospital, put a cushion on your stomach and then the seatbelt. I got an uber and told the driver that I'd had surgery so would appreciate if he could go slow. He was so thoughtful and went ridiculously slow over speed bumps and turning corners!

I can't think of anymore right now but I had no clue of what to expect after surgery. I generally am feeling ok, except for my second day being home I haven't felt too much pain (that the painkillers couldn't touch) and everyone has been so thoughtful and kind. I hope your surgery goes ok! xx

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Jojo2088

thank you - great tips!

Catness profile image

Hey :) this is a reply I posted to someone asking for some post lap advice a while ago. I’ve just cut and paste it here but I’m hoping some of the info will be of use to you as this is your first lap:


Hello :)

I’m about to have my fifth lap so I hope I can pass on some tips which I have found helpful.

I think the most important is not to put expectations on yourself. I told myself the first time that I *should* be back up and normal in 2 weeks and gave myself a really hard time when I wasn’t. After laps which have included excision surgery (as opposed to burning/abalation) it’s taken 2 weeks to get back on my feet and around 6 for my energy to come back and to start to feel ‘normal’ again. The first 3-4 days is usually just spent completely resting and getting used to how your abdomen is feeling. It can be a bit of a shock as the surgery scars don’t look like much on the outside but there has obviously been quite a lot done inside. Feeling a bit down about it all is perfectly understandable! If you are able to I would tell your boss it will be 2-3 weeks off is fairly standard to be on the safe side.

I found one of the worst things to deal with post-surgery is the shoulder pain from the trapped gas which they fill your tummy with in surgery. Peppermint tea really helps to clear the gas, as does moving around little and often in the first couple of days (even if it’s just a supervised trip from one room to the other). Also eat very lightly after surgery (I have a chunky veg soup) as all the pain killers and anaesthetic drugs bind you up and the first bowel movement can be quite uncomfortable. I really advise asking your GP or consultant for some Laxido, or something similar, when you are discharged. It’s a stool softener and just makes ‘going’ a little easier!!

I don’t have children, but I do have a very needy lap cat and she managed to pop my stitches by jumping on my tummy after my first surgery. I imagine with little ones that could also be a worry so best to keep a pillow on your stomach to avoid any unwanted surprise hugs.

I’ve found that sleeping on my back for the first few nights most comfy but other ladies say they prefer a reclining chair to sleep in as it can be very painful trying to get vertical from completely horizontal. I always have to get my partner to help me up in the night.

I have always been told by various consultants that I can’t drive for a full 6 weeks after surgery due to the wounds healing and in my experience (though it’s different for everyone) it’s very uncomfortable to have the seat belt on my stomach. When you’re being driven home from hospital ask whoever is with you to bring a pillow with them to put between your tummy and the seatbelt as it will be far more comfortable.

I would take some pads to hospital with you as you will bleed and they will insist on putting those banana-boat maternity pads in there. They’re very uncomfortable and just being able to change into something a little more discreet always makes me feel a little better. I also find knickers with a waist band that isn’t too tight more comfy and either take a sleeping top to hospital (I always have to stay over at least a night due to my other illnesses) or I’ll find loose fitting PJ bottoms.

Some ladies do get a touch of post-surgery blues after a lap - I have a couple of weeks where I feel very blue and down. If this does happen it’s very normal and will ease up, as will the pain. Pain-wise Lots of ladies recommend taking your pain killers as prescribed to ensure they’re not taken off guard by pain (as opposed to not thinking you need to take it and then chasing the pain when it comes on).

Food-wise my advice would be not to eat nothing stodgy (bread/ pasta etc) until you’ve managed to have a bowel movement after surgery. I make some homemade soups and have very light stuff with veggies for the first couple of days just to make sure I’m helping my bowel as much as possible. Peppermint tea is a godsend but just drink a lot of water to flush everything out.

That’s all I can think of for now - best of luck with everything and if I remember anything else I will come back and post again :) xxx

JenBrown1983 profile image
JenBrown1983 in reply to Catness

Exactly all the advice I would give. It's taken me 4 weeks to feel nearly normal after having a large cyst removed. Another 2.5 weeks off work for recovery.

Make sure you have milk of magnesia and peppermint tea as the trapped gas is awful. I had pain up to my right shoulder and couldnt take a deep breath as my ribs hurt. The milk of magnesia helped my bowels move and eased the gas. Xx

Catness profile image

Ooo also I had the coil put in during a lap. Best thing I ever did as I went from 3 week periods to spotting. I was so annoyed that I hadn’t done it sooner as I was scared off by all the horror stories but if there’s a chance if could help you it’s worth it xx

AJAY767 profile image

Hi there,

I don't know if I was just very lucky with my diagnostic lap but i was back at work after three days recovery. The incisions didn't give me any bother at all, only felt like a small cut as opposed to a surgical wound. My stomach was tender for a week or so and I had a bit of bruising, but as others had said above I took painkillers to "stave off" bad bouts of pain rather than taking them when I was in a lot of pain. For me it felt more like i'd done 100 situps after not doing any for ten years. Pulled muscle ache and twinges if I moved too fast but for me I was alright to be up and moving about the next day.

The worst part I found was the horrible indigestion pain from the gas they pump you with to expand your abdomen, especially in the shoulders. It was worse for me when lying down so I ended up sleeping hunched over a massive pile of pillows my first night back but after that it began to ease off and was gone within three days or so. So I would recommend having extra pillows/blankets etc already out before you go for it so its easy to get yourself comfortable afterwards.

As with any surgery have all your paperwork and everything in order before hand and in case its more taxing for you get chores and such out of the way so you have less to worry about if you need to take more recovery time.

I'd only previously had surgery when I was very young, which I don't remember and I found the diagnostic lap to be much less scary than i'd worked it up to be in my head. Went by very smoothly. I hope you experience the same! Good luck to you!

CJessicaD profile image

Hi I’m due to have my first laparoscopic surgery in around 6 weeks also!! As I’ve not had the surgery yet I’m useless for advice however try not to worry about it. I just keep thinking it’s the first step to feeling better!! Xxx

Maya23 profile image

Thanks for asking the question! I'm on the waiting list for my first Laparoscopy and fitting of merina coil so I am taking notes from all the helpful tips here! Hope your's goes well! x

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