Laparoscopy confirmed - advice? - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy confirmed - advice?

Dartmouth93 profile image
19 Replies

Hey ladies...I’ve had a call from the hospital this morning to say my lap has been booked in for the 12th August, my pre-op 23rd July, and a Covid swab 10th August. I’ve got to self isolate 2 weeks before my op. I’m feeling all kinds of emotions - I’m relieved, nervous, emotional...also apprehensive in case they cancel it. Does anyone have any advice for when they’ve had a lap / anyone had one at this peculiar time? Thank you x

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Dartmouth93 profile image
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19 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

That’s great news, not too far off 😀

Hopefully there wouldn’t be any need to cancel. I don’t know exactly what’s happening on wards though.

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to Moon_maiden

I’m glad it’s not too far away because that means less time to overthink everything! Fingers crossed it goes ahead x

GreenQueen-99 profile image

Great news! I also have mine confirmed and will be going for the pre-op and op next week!

Hope all goes well for you! You can do this! X

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to GreenQueen-99

Thank you lovely I hope you get on okay with yours, is yours to diagnose endo as well? X

GreenQueen-99 profile image
GreenQueen-99 in reply to Dartmouth93

It is yes! Is yours for diagnostic or treatment? The count down is on for a week today! Feeling all sorts of emotions about it though so understand what you’re going through! Hoping they will remove what they can while I’m under so I won’t have to go through this again for a little while!

All the best x

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to GreenQueen-99

Mine is to diagnose but they’ve said if they find any endo they will remove it during the op. I’ve had previous ultra sounds which showed polycystic ovaries but got referred for a lap due to all of the pain and stomach issues I get etc around my period, and my Nan and both aunties have endo so it points to that really..hoping just to know what’s wrong with me and a definite diagnosis hopefully! Hope you get on okay let me know how it goes xx

GreenQueen-99 profile image
GreenQueen-99 in reply to Dartmouth93

That’s good! I haven’t met my consultant yet as I’ve been transferred to a private hospital but I will do definitely ask!

That’s good they saw it on the ultrasound! All I’ve been told is that they saw a load of adhesions on my scan and that they are going to investigate as the pain gets unbearable!

Exactly! It’s a mix of emotions though, I’m relieved but also very nervous! I’m sure it will be okay though, I will do! I will let you know what to expect! X

Jessica89 profile image

My advice is that it is not as bad as you expect! My biggest worry is that, after I’d pushed it for so long, they wouldn’t find anything. But like people said to me - I knew I wasn’t making up or exaggerating my symptoms so if no endo was found then something else was going on that needed to be resolved.

Get yourself some stretchy cotton leggings - I lived in mine for a couple of weeks as jean waistbands sit just where my stitches were. The stitches are teeny; two years later and I can barely find my scars. When you first take the gauze off after a few days the bruising will give you a bit of a shock (gauze makes them look neat and tidy) but remember bruises fade.

On a practical level take an overnight bag just incase you have a reaction or something and need to stay in. I reacted to the anaesthetic / morphine and was sick for most of the day but even with that I was genuinely fine and was still discharged that evening.

Also - don’t vacuum for at least ten days. The hoover is not your friend, I learnt that the hard way

When your consultant comes in to see you beforehand make sure you say you’d like to know what is found and where afterwards, they’ll come back and explain it all to you.

You’ll be grand xx 🙂

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to Jessica89

Hey Jessica thanks so much for your advice ❤️ Even though I don’t to be told I have endo, them not finding anything at all is my biggest worry because like you said, I would think is it all in my head! My Nan and both aunties all have it so I think I’ll be surprised if they don’t find the advice about the hoover, means I can make my bf do all of the housework ;) xx

SKhan13 profile image

Tbh by the time I had mine - I had 2 - one to diagnose and the next to actually remove adhesions/cysts etc - I was relieved. So much time being put on pills, poked and prodded, in intense pain etc I was actually looking forward to it! Mine was cancelled as the hospital ran out of beds and I got the surgeon's PA's number and hounded her loool I literally said I HAVE TAKEN TIME OFF WORK FOR THIS SO SORT IT! And she did bless her. Once it was over a done with just remember to start walking as soon as you are able. I literally went for a super slow walk (in the snow at the time!) the following day. It aids recovery immensely. Peeing might be painful for the first 48 hours but I didn't take any painkillers. It was bearable. Keep an eye on your stitches and don't let them get wet.

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to SKhan13

Hiya thanks so much for your reply - I think I’ll be the same after all the pain and pushing for them to take me seriously, it will be a relief to finally have it done. Were you on the pill before your op? I’m taking the combined pill and I’m not sure it at my pre-op next week they will tell me to stop taking it in the run up to the surgery. It’s been helping mask my symptoms a lot the last few months so I know coming off it would be horrible but knowing it would only be for a few weeks would get me through it x

LavenderLady12 profile image

That's brilliant, it's so close!

I've had 2 now and everyone will tell you different things about the recovery and the surgery process. Each of mine were different, one took me a 5-6 days to recover from, and the other took 2 weeks. You need to get yourself a onesie, a stack of great movies or a new series, and prepare to take it at your own pace. It's okay to be scared, and to ask questions before and after your surgery. Once you're home, you can be a little nauseous, puffy and bloated (fyi throwing up from anasthesia/morphine is totally normal). My surgeon recommended peppermint tea for bloating, and small amounts of food. Then rest up and take your cues from your body, shower when you're ready, walk round at your pace and don't listen to anyone else saying what you should do. You can do this! Plus it really does help the pain.

Good luck, let us know how you get on! Xx

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to LavenderLady12

Hey thank you so much 😘 I have a few things saved to watch in preparation 😂 and I’ve heard a lot of people say mint tea for the gas pain so I will stock up thank you. I’m nervous but just relieved to have a date after years of fighting for answers. Thank you I’ll let you know when I’ve had it done xx

LCI1 profile image

I have my pre op Friday for an op on the 2nd August.

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to LCI1

That’s great I hope your pre op went ok today and everything goes well with your op x

Blb21 profile image

Amazing news, I would say take it slow and steady definitely prep food before hand and make sure you have everything close by. Take all the time that you need to recover. I rushed back way too soon on my last one.

I have just found out yesterday that I have my surgery on 4th August!! I am going to make some low fodmap/gluten free ginger cookies for when I come out of hospital to snack on.

This is my second lap. Super anxious as I have anxiety anyway.. I have just found in my Lidl they have AMAZING dresses for surgery in there, I mean I wouldn't wear them to a fashion show hahaha but I am going to use them as night dresses for comfort while sleeping but they will also be amazing for during the day too once up and about. They have a fabric belt with them too, they are just in the middle at lidl section I'd totally recommend taking a look asap if you dont have any already!

It will likely vary.. but does anyone know whether partners can enter the hospital with you at the moment?! Pooping it going on my own!!!!!

All the best for your ops ladies xx

Dartmouth93 profile image
Dartmouth93 in reply to Blb21

That’s brill i hope you get on okay! I’m defo going to batch cook some meals to stick in the freezer so I don’t have to worry about what to eat afterwards. I’m nervous about being on my own too but I don’t think partners are allowed to come in with us are they? We’ve all dealt with so much and have been so brave so we will be okay on our own I’m sure ❤️ Xx

Emma511983 profile image

You are very lucky to have been given a date. My 2nd lap was due to happen on 30th April and was cancelled. I still do not know when mine will be resumed. I have sent a second chaser today at the private hospital where I was due to have the surgery.

I had one lap 2 years ago to remove 2 very large cysts, a fallopian tube and some adhesions. I found the recovery on occasions to be painful due mostly to the gas that they put into your tummy. I recommend you drink lots of peppermint tea to help ease the pain/ bloating the gas causes. Also put a bin liner on the seat of the car as it makes it easier to get out of the car after the surgery, you can kind of slide out with ease. A friend recommended that to me and it really did help. Leggings will also be your best friend because your tummy will be bloated and you do not want to try and wear jeans etc...

You will be fine! Just be pleased you have an op date.

I hope it all goes well and the outcome is good for you :-)

Dartmouth93 profile image

Hi all just to let you know I had my surgery yesterday and apparently everything is fine and I don’t have endo or any other issues like cysts / fibroids etc. I’m so confused because of all of my symptoms and family history :( I had a last minute change on the day of a different surgeon who had to ask me why I was there for the procedure and seemed very blasé. She didn’t even see me after so just had to go off my notes which were minimal so I have lots of unanswered questions. They’re sticking with the theory that it’s IBS and to go back to my DR to be referred to a bowel specialist, but with all of my symptoms surely it can’t just be IBS. I feel so deflated 😔 xx

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