My pains have been really bad lately along with mood swings but my partner doesn’t seem to understand It’s causing a big strain on our relationship I haven’t been diagnosed with endometriosis but I’m currently being investigated I don’t know what to do about my partner it’s hard to explain how I feel :/
Advice relationship :/ : My pains have been... - Endometriosis UK
Advice relationship :/

There’s not a lot u can do, you just have to tell them how it is and hope they understand. There will be ups and downs - if your relationship is strong then he will support you through this difficult time. It’s a lot on your shoulders with everything else going on and the not knowing xx
Hi Peyten, I’m in the same situation as you are. I’ve got a suspected endo but since I had a miscarriage last year the symptoms are getting worse every month.
Try to honestly talk to your partner and explain how how feel and how this whole situation makes you feel. Also, I’d advice you send him some information about endometriosis, so he can read about it himself. I sent other women’s stories to my husband to read and I found something about relationships and endo. Unfortunately I can’t find this website anymore but my husband said it really opened his mind...
Good luck! 😊
I’m so sorry you’re going through this but I had the same thing with my ex. He wasn’t not understanding and forced me do things I didn’t want to do due to the pain.
My current bf has a slight understanding but he’s a lot more caring and makes me tell him what the gynaes have said to me after appointments.
The best thing to do is to get him to read up on endometriosis and the effects it has the woman mentally, emotionally and physically. Just find a good page on google that explains it well and what the symptoms are etc.
Hopefully he would be more understanding but some men don’t actually understand the pains we go through and what we suffer through xxxxxx
Just keep on it. Keep talking. Men are slow to listen and understand but when they do it can be worth it. Your partner will be one of your most important supports. He needs to know that. My husband has just taken my word for it but when u do go to doctors make him go. Him hearing it from a professional will help it all sink in.
Thankyou as silly as it sounds I try to keep it all it myself to not worry people so I am a lot to blame but I’ll start making him come along Thankyou so much xxx
Are you seeing a specialist? Have you thought about asking your partner to come along? You value them and their views and you care about them so why not see if they'd like to come along; explain it would be good so they could understand what's going on, what happens and the treatment options. I think when they start attending appointments it becomes more real to them, I know it sounds weird!
My partner found it really useful to attend as he could understand what it all was and how it affects me so he's more able to support me. He had questions of his own too! Also it's another person to hear what's said in-case you miss anything.
Thankyou I’ll speak to my partner tonight and tell him to come along thank you so much xx
The specialist I had was really good in explaining even the simplest things; like how and why sex can cause pain endo or not, and how he can help with massages and pressure points.
My specialist, I felt really welcomed partners and put them at ease explaining what the problems are, symptoms, how you will feel etc, so I hope you find yours is the same xx
If your partner is reluctant to come along; let him know that you'd really like him to and you want him to feel involved in your life and helping you cope with all of this will help you feel better about your future; it's something you can get through together