Upcoming laparoscopy: how long should I t... - Endometriosis UK

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Upcoming laparoscopy: how long should I take off work?

emmalouise1995 profile image
28 Replies

Hey everyone! :-)

new member here, I've an upcoming Laparoscopy for a potential diagnosis of endometriosis. I am wondering how long did you all take off work, just to give my boss a heads up. I am a nurse myself so my job is quite active and involves a lot of heavy lifting and running around for 12 hours haha! Most people have said to take two weeks, just looking to hear from the ladies who know best.

Many thanks , Emma x

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emmalouise1995 profile image
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28 Replies
Donna_24 profile image

Hi Emma,

I'm having first Laparoscopy Tuesday and I'm not sure either. I've been told around two weeks but I think it may vary depending on what the do.

I'm done for investigation but also treat, if they find anything. I'm of the mind set of 1/2 weeks and if I recover quicker then it's a bonus. I work in an office so its quite different to your job. I think you just need to listen to your body.

Hope it goes well. X

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Donna_24

Donna thank you for the reply! yeah I think I'll go with two weeks, better safe than sorry. Only end up with more time off in the long run... Hope Tuesday goes okay! :-) xo

Coops1109 profile image

I had mine 6 weeks ago and I was sure I’d only need a few days - I was so wrong! I ended up with 2 weeks off work and even then I was still pretty tired for about another week. Hope it all goes well for you x

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Coops1109

oh dear, not looking forward to the aftermath at all, But it’s a step forward. many thanks xxx

Coops1109 profile image
Coops1109 in reply to emmalouise1995

It’s honestly not as bad as it sounds - just make sure you have a stack of good books to pass the time and can take as much time as you need to just do nothing and just rest!!

Catness profile image

When I started having laps I also had an office job and I still wasn’t well enough to go back after 3 weeks so I would take a full 2 weeks at least :) xxx

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Catness

Thank you!x

Irene28Password1 profile image

I had surgery for stage 4 in 2016 and I had to take 8 weeks as that’s what surgeon advised,

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Irene28Password1

Hope you are doing ok now! X

cmbxm profile image

I lost my job before I could go back to work, but if I had gone back it would’ve been after 3 weeks, the first two to heal and the last week to get back into a routine, id also take advantage of a gradual return to work if they offer it, best of wishes for your lap xx

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to cmbxm

That definitely seems like a good idea. Many thanks for the helpful reply, hope you are well x

Ashleynic profile image

I've got my first lap coming up soon. When I had my pre-op assessment the nurse who assessed me told me she had had a lap and because of her job she took a month off. She said she thought she was ready after 3weeks and went back but needed another week off due to the demands of her job

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Ashleynic

Thank you for the really helpful reply, definitely going to have to take two weeks off at the minimum x

MMich15 profile image

I’ve just gone back to work after my surgery - was signed off for 4 weeks, went back after 3 but learn from my experience - take your time! Even when you feel back to “normal” you need to ease back into the routine. Also sounds like your job is physically strenuous as well as long hours. If I were you I’d say 3 weeks just to be safe. You can always ease back into it a little earlier.

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to MMich15

You are completely right Mary , thanks for the really helpful reply x

Sarahlou01 profile image

I’m a nurse and work long days too. I’ve had 4 laps for stage 4 endo and have had between 3 and 6 weeks off to recover depending on what’s been done in surgery. I have a recurrent endometrioma that’s been incised and drained each time. I’d suggest you self cert for a week and then see your GP for a sick note. Don’t rush back before you’re ready, us nurses make the worst patients! Good luck xxx

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Sarahlou01

You are spot on Sarah, we think we are bullet proof for some reason. Definitely will be taking at least the two weeks. Many thanks for your really helpful reply x

Hi I had 6 weeks and work in operations and on my feet all day so similar. Best to give yourself a full recovery especially as you work on your feet . Good luck and take care x

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to

Many thanks for your really helpful reply , hope you are doing ok now x

gdfzhkgukl profile image

I took four weeks - that was the maximum the surgeon advised and the most I could take off with full pay. I was bored to tears stuck at home but actually needed all of it. It's really hard to say what is the right amount of time before you have the op, luckily my HR dept told me to take the maximum with the option to come back early if I wanted to and could.

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to gdfzhkgukl

That sounds like a good idea , best to take more than less it seems. Hope you are keeping ok. Hope your doing ok now x

Jess98790 profile image

I'd say tell your boss at least two weeks. Then you've got a buffer. I had two weeks after a diagnostic lap and needed that time to recover x

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Jess98790

Many thanks for the reply Jess! Xx

Wonder-Betty profile image

My friend usually takes off two weeks, we're both nurses too, but she does struggle and has to take it easy even after two weeks. I'd say defo two weeks, but maybe three. People don't realise how much manual work our job involves sometimes, it's hard work even without being post op sometimes. Take care.

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Wonder-Betty

Yeah I can imagine work colleagues would try their best to help out and minimise the physical work but better to come back healed as much as possible . Many thanks and hope you are well x

Wonder-Betty profile image
Wonder-Betty in reply to emmalouise1995

Good Luck, let us know how you get on. I’ve just been booked for my first lap now too so having the same debate myself lol. X

emmalouise1995 profile image
emmalouise1995 in reply to Wonder-Betty

I will do! hope all goes ok for you x

The time you need off will depend on 1) whether it’s a diagnostic laparoscopy or operative laparoscopy and 2) the type of job you do- yours is very physical so may need longer off 3) recovery is a very individual thing- when you feel ready to work you know.

Both my laparoscopys have been operative ones so I’ve had over 2 weeks off- I work with children so very physical! I’m currently recovering from my second lap I had on Friday.

Good luck hope it goes well xoxo

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