Hey ladies,
I’ve posted a few times recently about my horrible symptoms - peeing every hour of the day and the night, burning and irritation of the bladder like a UTI although my samples come back negative when tested for bacteria, pain during and after sex and sharp stabbing pains. I also have minimal Endometriosis.
I had a cystoscopy yesterday and even though I have every symptom of Interstitial Cystitis, the results said I don’t have that and it’s just that my Trigone in my bladder is inflamed due to recurrent UTIs. I’ve been put on antibiotics for 3 months and that’s it.
My urine samples come back as negative so how can they say this is due to recurrent UTIs and how can antibiotics which never work anyway, somehow bring down the inflammation, get rid of the pain and burning, and stop me peeing so much? I’m so confused and upset 😩.
Online, inflammation of the Trigone and IC are identical apart from that simple inflammation creates a funny pattern on the Trigone whereas IC doesn’t.
I’m trying to get hold of my consultant again to ask my questions but I’m not having any luck. I feel like I have been misdiagnosed and fobbed off with more antibiotics and no real explanation.
Has anybody had this before or been diagnosed with inflammation of the Trigone after a cystoscopy?
Please help me! Thank you xx