I recently (nearly a month post op) had endo removed from my bladder. It was full thickness so they had to cut a piece of my bladder away. I still have stents from my kidneys to my bladder and a catheter. I will find out on Monday if I can have them removed after the dye scan.
I was wondering if anyone else had extreme pain with stents after this kind of surgery. It’s so bad I can’t sleep without strong pain killers and any activity, even gentle walk for 20/30 minutes makes my back so painful. I also have a lot of blood in my urine still and frequent blood clots and wonder if this is normal a whole month after surgery. I’m scared they won’t take them out on Monday and I just don’t know how I will cope if they tell me I have to have the stents and catheter for longer.
I’m also very anxious of how they will remove the stents which will be done while I’m awake via cystoscope. I’ve had one before to look at the inside of my bladder and it was very u comfortable. Right now my pee hole is so sore from having the catheter for so long I’m really worried about this 😣 any reassurance you ladies could offer would really be great.
Lots of love