I have rectovaginal Endometriosis and my back hurts all the time. My body is weak and it feels like I'm out of energy! I'm on hormonal therapy now but the pain is still there. Does endo makes you feel tired all the time? Or hormonal therapy is the reason why? ..
My lower back hurts all the time. - Endometriosis UK
My lower back hurts all the time.

Have you considered trying Acupuncture? It might give you some additional relief?
Huge hugs. This was my worst symptom pre op. I was sleeping literally all weekend to survive work and had to cut my hiurs. Endo itself can cause it as your body is battling inflammation constantly and trying to heal.
Hormone disruption doesn't help either and stress can aggravate it too. Zoladex did worsen it for me.
It's worth getting levels of thyroid, iron, magnesium, zinc, b12, vit d all checked as they can also cause fatigue.
Backache is also my main symptom along with what feels like hundreds of others but the backache and pains are constantly there with some days being much worse than others. I feel like I live on my heat pad. I also have suspected rectovaginal endo, been referred to an endo specialist and waiting on an MRI. Fatigue is also something I struggle with along with a lack of motivation to do anything especially on my days off (I basically stay in my pjs and nap on and off for 2 days to recover from working and prepare for the week ahead, makes me feel really lazy ) As starry mentioned get vitamin levels checked, I was very low on vitamin D which was causing a lot of aches and joint pain. My GI gave me tablets and the joint pains and aches have subsided a lot and the fatigue improved very very slightly (took about a month plus to notice a difference)
Big hugs xxx
I had the same last month and it was horrible! It was constant and it felt so emotional about it. I went and had acupuncture two weeks ago and it worked for me, I can’t believe it. I recommend seeing an acupuncturist who has experience in endometriosis and fertility - might not work for everyone but it did for me and I will be going back next week for more.