Struggling : Hi ladies, I'm really... - Endometriosis UK

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Twinklybelle profile image
11 Replies

Hi ladies,

I'm really struggling today, feeling so down and tired. Feeling like I'm a burden and no fun to be around to be honest.

I want to be getting excited about Christmas and playing in the snow with my doggy and my partner but instead I'm just sat feeling sorry for myself, felling ill and can't pull myself out of it.

Has anyone else experienced this and do you have any tips for getting positive attitude back and a bit more energy?

Thanks ladies ❤️

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11 Replies
Swats profile image

Hi, I totally get where you are coming from. I feel exactly the same at the moment. I’m enjoying pj days rather then going out and normally I’m the life and soul of the party. I actually made the effort to go out last nite. It was a big effort getting ready and havin to put lots of makeup on to cover my dark circles from not sleepin. Only went to the local pub but to be honest I got really drunk and had a laugh. It was good to take my mind of if it and felt like me for a few hours. The only downside was my stomach wasn’t happy today about me drinkin as I know Alcohol isn’t good for endo. All I can say is there will be good and bad days but just try doin things that u know make u happy and see if it helps. I found I’m better having one to ones with friends and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I really hope u feel better soon.

Just remember your not on your own and there are always people on here that will understand what your going through xxx

Twinklybelle profile image
Twinklybelle in reply to Swats

Thanks for your reply Swats

I'm just finding im not getting out of my pj's at the weekend at all unless completely necessary, it's so bad isn't it. Feel so lazy but I just haven't got the energy to get ready.

I'm glad you managed to have a good time but I know what you mean about the alcohol not helping, my tummys in agony after I drink too.

I just feel that I'm not wanting to go out or see anyone much at the min, takes too much effort. I hate feeling like this, just seems to be getting the better of me at the minute. Also seem to have no patience with anything and brain feels all puddled.

Thank you lovely, sorry to moan and thank you for taking the time to reply xxxx

Swats profile image
Swats in reply to Twinklybelle

Really sorry to hear your having it tough. Are your friends and family supportive and helping u?

I was off work sick last wk 2 and Friday I booked a holiday day. I’m back to work 2moro but booked thurs fri off. Just using my holidays so got extra time to rest as even Work is tiring. I’m having to choice one thing I can do a day it’s a nightmare. I even booked my hair in for a blow dry so I didn’t have to do it myself. I’m using to being so active and normally do gym 5 times a wk but not been able to go there as no energy and some off moves in classes hurt my stomach 😂

I Wonder if u book in for some pampering it would cheer u up too. May even be someone that can come to house for you.


Twinklybelle profile image
Twinklybelle in reply to Swats

Sorry for the delayed reply lovely. Yes, I've got a very supportive family but I think it's hard for them to understand how you can just feel so down and tired an off a sudden sometimes. Not really seem much of my friends but a couple of them ask how I am. I guess everyone is just busy. People at work just don't get it I don't think, I've been back to when for just under 2 weeks now and it's like it's all forgotten and I'm OK now........

Work is very tiring, I only do a desk job but it's so busy and by lunch I'm just exhausted. That's good you have been able to book time off hun, we are not allowed time off in December 😔 I hope you manage to recharge your batteries during your time off.

I really want to get myself fit and healthy to see if it helps but it's a vicious circle as need energy to do that 🤣🤣

Pampering sounds lovely, maybe I could talk my other half into a massage 🤣

Hour you are OK today lovely xxxx

Swats profile image
Swats in reply to Twinklybelle


I’ve not had a gd day today. I’ve got a desk job too and this time of year is so busy. I don’t know how I got through the day. Bad stomach pain and feel like I’m jet lagged all the time. I can’t remember the last time I slept through at night. I didn’t make much conversation at work today as so busy and I was getting stressed with the pressure of feelin poorly and being busy. They know my condition at work. Some days they sympathise other days they look at me like they have forgotten and Im just being miserable. Today was one of those days. I’ve not even put an xmas tree up this year. I’m now at the point of why bother it’s too much effort 🙈and tiring. Have u had any treatment as yet?

Hope your day has been a better one xxx

Rach123455 profile image
Rach123455 in reply to Swats

Hi Swats

I’m off work at the moment and really struggling to do anything. The guilt is horrible; as is the constant wondering whether I am properly ill or just weak willed.

Christmas can be a crappy time as it’s so busy outside and hard to nip to the shops quickly for a stock up on the basics.

So, I’m at home all day and if you want to pm me tomorrow to talk about braving the sink for a wash or donning way to tight jeans (due to my weight gain) then please do.

Sending much love. Please don’t feel too alone xxx

Rach123455 profile image
Rach123455 in reply to Rach123455

Apols, meant to reply to Twinklebelle too xxx

Swats profile image
Swats in reply to Rach123455

Sorry to hear, your having a tough time too. I really wish I could make it all go away for us.


Rach123455 profile image
Rach123455 in reply to Swats

Thanks, it’s just great to hear from people in the same situation. Heartwarming xxx

Twinklybelle profile image
Twinklybelle in reply to Rach123455

Hi lovely, sorry to hear your having a tough time too. I get what you mean about the guilt, it's just so tiring just getting up let alone anything else 😔

Sending you big hugs and good your are having a better day today xxx

Rach123455 profile image
Rach123455 in reply to Twinklybelle

Hi Twinklybelle

I’m just marking time really until my next gyn appt next week, and then prob marking time until my surgery date in Jan (hopefully). So, I’m pinning all my hopes on a new lease of life after surgery, which might be a bit optimistic.

We did make it out on Sat for a Christmas walk with the dog club (borrowed the neighbours dog for this) and that paid off in that it was great fun to see many doggies in their Christmas outfits. There were 23 dogs and 26 humans in total.

Sending you best wishes for today and hope it’s not too much of a bad one xxx

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