Has anyone else experienced vomiting with their endo? I've always been a bit of a sickly child (as my mum calls it) but I've just noticed recently a lot of one off vomiting as in it's not a bug, it's just one of two times then I get very bad endo pains after? Thank you xx
Sickness : Has anyone else experienced... - Endometriosis UK

If I get really bad pains and can feel them getting stronger I have a "pain peak" where I know at a certain "strength" of pain I will vomit, then the endo pains stay "at peak pain" for a few hours where if I eat or drink anything I'll vomit again but then it subsides and I feel moderately human again x
I do Unfortunately when the pain is very bad the same as the lady above. I will always faint first, then come round and immediately throw up. So I need to be in the bathroom or at least very near a bowl! And I will continue to throw up if I try and take any pain killers or drink any water at all etc while the pain is that bad. It's a bit of a catch 22 cycle so if I can take enough pain killers before it hits me I can sometimes control it and I don't end up throwing up or fainting. But then sometimes it comes out of nowhere and I don't have time to take pain killers. Then I'm screwed because then the pain is so bad I can't stop being sick to take any pain killers and keep them down to stop the pain! 🙄 it's a bit of a vicious circle sometimes xx

This is me exactly. The amount of times I've been in that situation where I've been sick, can't keep painkillers down so I'm just sweating laid out on the floor or in bed deep breathing and begging for it to pass. Prescription anti-sickness pills sometimes help but for me only if I can time it right. Often the vomiting and burning up comes on in seconds so no time for the tablets to work. The jab they give you in the buttock in hospital is the only thing that stops it for me. If I'm lucky enough not to be sick I'm often laid out burning up with intense nausea that goes on for hours. All I can do is try and sleep. Once it gets to the point I black out, come round, vomit then pain builds to a horrendous level I'm terrified. I don't think everyone gets vomiting, sweating like crazy and blacking out with Endo. I always thought everyone did until I read some posts stating the cocktail of painkillers that make it possible for some to get to work. If im already feeling nauseous codeine and tramadol pushes it over the edge and the vomiting and collapsing starts. So many times I'd push myself to get to work and end up in the street being sick and blacking out then coming round to feeling like my insides were being ripped out. I eventually lost my job due to it once it got to the point it was happening for up to 10 days rather than 2-3 a month.
Yep!! I'm exactly the same! And unfortunately so is one of my sisters. Literally I'll be freezing cold and covered in goosebumps, shaking uncontrollably one minute and the dripping wet with sweat and burning up so much I feel like my body is on fire on my own skin the next!! I generally end up on the bathroom floor because the tiles are cold with a hot water bottle, a cold wet flannel, a pint of water, a pillow and my dressing gown and loads of meds! (This is if I've had time to 'plan and prepare' that is!) god what a shit time we have 😂 it's almost a joke it's so ridiculous!! Rolling around in pain on the floor and there's still no 'cure' jokes.
Good Morning,
I am the same - I always know when I am going to come on as I get 'period' morning sickness about 5-3 days before I come on.
My GP has given me some anti sickness tablets that have worked a bit but they make you very dehydrated.