Back to work review post lap - still not ... - Endometriosis UK

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Back to work review post lap - still not happy :(

staceymacg profile image
18 Replies

Hey ladies.

So if you read my earlier post you'll see I had some trouble with work. I had my back to work meeting with my team leader today and I feel a bit better but not much.

They HATE the fact I am on morphine and they seem to think I am unable to work on it despite me telling them I've been working on it since I started!!!

I've got let away to go to the doctors to get a note saying I need phased return but they also said this isn't a permanent thing like I was stupid? I'm only asking for maybe a week of shorter hours just until I get adjusted again.

I felt very pushed, almost like they were pushing me to the decision that I ament fit for work although I truly believe I am and my doctor agrees that I am.

They've made me feel terribly guilty for asking for more time than I thought to recover and I just feel absolutely awful.

I think they think that because I'm on morphine I'm not able to work, that I'm going to be high and not fit for when when in reality, the morphine is the only thing that allows me to work as it controls my pain!!!

I'm really struggling. I really enjoyed this job and I thought they were supportive but now them knowing I might be waiting months to see a specialist and be on morphine every they don't want to know me!!

Needed a little rant!!

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staceymacg profile image
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18 Replies
Lulububs profile image

There really is nothing they can do about what drugs people have to take to get themselves through work it would b ileagal for them to make any dismissals or something ur not happy with as what about people with cancer or terminally ill? They still work on chemo and major pain meds.

I think they mayb trying to push or make u uncomfortable so mayb u walk instead of having someone there that may a sickness liability but they cant do anything u hold all the cards...

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Lulububs

It's annoyed me because they've made me feel like I'm almost incompetent because I'm on morphine? I mean they kept saying it's drastic and not right to be on morphine every day.

Hellooooo, preaching to the choir here!!! I don't exactly like being on these meds but it gets me through the day by controlling my pain so needs must!!

I just feel like because it could be months until I see a specialist they don't like that I'll be there on morphine until then.

I just feel so unsupported and awful

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to staceymacg

Well id say my dr said i can work, im ready and here to work, how i get through my day to work is not relevant to u? If u have anything to say do i need to see citizens advice or see a solictor? There soon shut up and let u get on with it...

i had same thing about 10 years ago, i had a illness where i would faint for no reason and i had a month of then when i tries to go back even though my dr and specialist said it was ok they made it hard, said i was health and safety blah blah.. in end i walked but my friend said nooooo that is not right so i took them tribunal AND WON

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Lulububs

Hahah I wish I could be that persistent!

I did call acas for some advice and they said if anything else comes up a report from my doctor stating my symptoms and that I'm covered under the Equality Act 2010 will soon shut them up and any reason to get rid of me is unfair dismissal.

Ah that's amazing!! So you left but took them to court and won? That's amazing!!

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to staceymacg

Yeh i did and i cannot say who it was but it was a huge company!

They made me feel useless even though i was a supervisor and knew and did job better then anyone but i fainted on occasions! But they made it so uncomfortable that i left but i was told by a friend in company that what they wanted they had been told to get rid of me as i was a liability... so i done them for constructive dismissal

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Lulububs

Good on you!! I'm so glad you got justice

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to staceymacg

Well dont let them play u... just drop it in comversation that u knw the score about what they can and cant do

poppy75 profile image
poppy75 in reply to staceymacg

Hi Stacey. I just wanted to get in touch and give you some support as how your employer is treating you makes my blood boil.

No one should be commenting on what drugs you need to take to manage your condition. Extreme? Yeah, try managing just one hour with horrific pain without drugs and come back to me! I think particularly as soon as people who have never dealt with severe pain hear the word morphine they freak. As it's already been stated people with terminal illness are often on morphine and if they can continue to work.

If I was you I'd get a letter now from your dr saying you're covered by the equality act and again stating you're fit to work with a phased return. I would also phone round a few solicitors. Many give free 10 min advice without you having to commit to anything. You can then politely mention to your employer that you've been informed by a solicitor you are protected by the equality act and the company by law needs to make reasonable adjustments to help you with work. Just mentioning a solicitor will make them realise you know your stuff and you are not going to be bullied. Xx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to poppy75


That's exactly what I think. Morphine sounds like such a drastic drug to people so they think I'm going to be unable when in fact it makes me able!

I was in today with my doctors note telling them I am fit for work but need reduced hours and they've cut my days in half which I'm thankful for but I said to them I could do 9.30-3/4 but they said I can only do 9.30-1.30 because otherwise it's not s phased return because it's still long days? I'm trying to do as much as I am able but they don't want to hear it.

I spoke to acas before and they said to do that as well if there's any more bother.

I just feel, unwanted? Like I feel like they're making me feel incapable when in reality I'm very good at my job

Vicky2708 profile image

Hi Stacey, sorry to hear of your experience. In terms of a phased return, has your GP provided any guidance on your note? Detailing what that might look like.

A phased return can be made up of part or full days and can be reviewed during the period.

I hope that helps and good luck x

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Vicky2708

He just wrote abdominal pain on it! Xx

Vicky2708 profile image
Vicky2708 in reply to staceymacg

Not overly helpful then - at the end of the day, your employer needs to be guided by what your GP and you say you can do. Are you only doing half days for the period of your phased return? x

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Vicky2708

Yeah! I told my manager I felt comfortable working 9.30-3 and I was told this wasn't acceptable as it's not a phased return so all I'm allowed to work is 9.30-1.30 according to my employer? I am going to find going from that to 9.30-7 a lot harder than if they let me work until 3 like I am able to!! X

Vicky2708 profile image
Vicky2708 in reply to staceymacg

I think given your GP hasn't indicated how many hours and your employer doesn't seem to be open to what you are telling them, I would suggest going back to your GP to ask for more specific advice. Just remember to look after yourself and don't push yourself too much too soon xxx

staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Vicky2708

I'm actually looking for a new job, I feel like my job are looking for any excuse to get rid of me as they hate me working on morphine!! Xx

Vicky2708 profile image
Vicky2708 in reply to staceymacg

Well good luck with that - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you <3 xxx

Kath896 profile image

Hey Stacey,

I just wanted to jump in here to give you some support and let you know my experiences with work and hopefully it'll give you a bit of perspective. I know all about the pressures on you when you have chronic pain and are trying to hold up a job too. I was actually told to leave my last job due to the amount of time I'd have off due to illness. Yes, it was definitely illegal, however because I had only been there a few months and the employer had agreed to pay me an extra month's pay, I was actually quite happy with the decision to leave, as I was unhappy there anyway. I knew this was really unfair, but due to illness and how unhappy I was at the time, it turned out to be a really positive change. I now have a great job that support me and understand my illness. I work for a charity now, and the staff are such positive people, and we all support each other with whatever we need.

In terms of your situation, I think you're doing the right thing looking for another job. Obviously it's not easy to manage chronic pain, work, and also look for another job, so good on you! It's horrible being in a workplace with people you feel don't support you. You'll definitely find something right for you if you just keep at it. Keep thinking positively and you'll find something that works for you.


staceymacg profile image
staceymacg in reply to Kath896

Thankyou so much!!

I'm so glad you're in a good place now and have support around you.

I really hope I find something soon as I constantly feel on edge, I feel like they're looking for any reason to get rid of me! Xx

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