Hi, was wondering if any of you guys know the recovery time for a laparoscopy? Having my first one on the 7th august. Not sure if it is endometriosis but have every symptom of it and had to get my laparoscopy moved forward as zoladex injections didn't work and left me in excruciating pain
First laparoscopy : Hi, was wondering if... - Endometriosis UK
First laparoscopy

Hi, i believe the recovery time all depends on what you have done. Is the lap just diagnostic or do they plan to do some treatment too?
When I went for my last appointment, the gynecologist told me that once they are in and if they find anything that they will remove it. no treatments have worked for me, I've tried the mirena coil, mini pill, combined pill, all of these back to back and have the zoladex injection in April.
I think this means you can't so easily predict your recovery time.
Have you been reading the other current thread about excision vs ablation? Do you know which method they are proposing to use? Are you under an endo specialist?
No I'll have a look at it here now, I'm not sure which method shes using as she never discussed anything too in depth with me. Yeah I think shes an endo specialist, I live in NI so we don't have any specialist centres for endometriosis
I had 3 weeks off work after both of my laps, endo was removed during both xxx
In my first lap it was purely exploratory, so I was moving around quite easily and quickly afterwards. I did take the recommended 2 weeks off though to make sure I was 100%
I've just had my second procedure and the endo removed and I'm nowhere near as comfortable moving or anything. I think it'll take me longer to recover. Hope this helps a little...Good luck x
I had excision by lap 4 weeks ago I've just requested my final doctors certificate for one more week to recover I have been very tired but everyone is different I'd say listen to your body but it's taken me a good 4 weeks to be starting to feeling better and get my energy back. Good luck for your lap hope it brings you some relief 😊
I had a laparoscopy last month and my Fertility consultant found and removed endometriosis implants from my pouch of Douglas. I too had many signs looking back- secondary unexplained infertility for nearly 6 years, severe abnormalities within my cycles, finally chronic pain in my lower left abdominal side for 6 months which also gave me bowel issues making it even harder to diagnose.
Recovery is a very individual thing all vary from person to person.
I asked a doctor for a sick note- she signed me off for two weeks ( the first week I self certificated) but I returned a few days earlier as I felt better. I had two weeks off- I did half a week when I returned to ease into it. The doctor said if it was just a diagnostic laparoscopy a week off following surgery should be sufficient but as I had extensive work done inside she was happy to sign me off longer.
Good luck with your laparoscopy xoxo
I had about four days off work . Wasn't in pain ( nothing like period pain ) I was more tired from the anaesthetic than anything . I'd been so worried about having it and it really was fine .