So after being told a couple of weeks ago the waiting list is 20-25 wks long I have an appointment for my lap in two weeks! Really shocked and relieved but there wasn't much information so now I have questions. I have to be there for 8am but I have no idea how long I might there or what I should bring with me. I have to go to get my bloods done next week but I'm not sure if they will be able to answer my queries as it's at the outpatient clinic. Any insights would be great thanks!
Questions about laparoscopy: So after being... - Endometriosis UK
Questions about laparoscopy

When I've had mine done all I had to take was dressing gown slippers and a book. I arrived at 7:15 got changed into surgical gown and sexy net knickers then sat in a waiting room. I was then called up by various people - nurse, consultant and anesthetist. I was second on the list and went down to theatre at 9:30. I spent some time on the ward recovering and left hospital at about 4pm. It might be worth trying to ring the hospital to see if you can get any more info. Good luck with it all x
Hi agree with what kdjhg said. I was the same. Bring a dressing gown and slippers and book. Maybe some magazines too as it needs less concentration. Are you having a pre op assessment apart from bloods? They should give you all the info you need then.
I also took some mints for afterwards in case of nausea. Which did help. You're not allowed to eat anything beforehand. Don't wear make up or jewellery or nail Polish. Can wear a ring which they will cover up.
Let us know how you get on and good luck!
I think it depends what they are going to do. Mine was 4 hours including the recovery time, they woke me up and off home. I do remember waking up with flemes and a cough that lasted days. Good luck
Hi, my surgeon put me down for 1-4 night stay depending on how much he found and how well I recovered after the op. I ended up having afternoon surgery, stayed the night and went home the following afternoon. I bought clothes with me but just wore the hospital gowns the whole time.
Oh but I should add that someone told me to bring a pillow in the car to put between the seat belt and my sutures on the ride home and it was a fantastic suggestion, without the pillow the belt would have been rubbing right where the lap holes were. Also maybe a sick bag for the ride home in case you have nausea.
I agree with all of the above - pillow for the journey was amazing!
Stuff that helped me in recovery were:
Peppermint tea! They inflate your stomach with gas to make it easier to see and it can be really painful waiting for that gas to disperse. Peppermint tea worked wonders - after my first lap I was in agony with gas pains but after the second one i had tea by the bucket load and very little pain
Plug in heat pad This is mt best friend!
Throat lozenges - the anaestetic made my throat a bit scratchy
Baggy Pjs
Good luck xxx
I had mine on Monday and am still recovering. I had to be at the hospital for 7.30am. I was then called and taken to a little room. I met the nurse, anaesthetist and both doctors who had to ask me lots of questions (health related), explained the procedure and then I had a chance to ask any questions. I was the first op of the day but was very nauseous after and gad low blood pressure so didn't leave the hospital until 5pm. As others have said, take a dressing gown and slippers. I also took a book and some pads, as you can bleed a bit after. I've been signed off for 2 weeks now, which I think is about normal. Make sure you have someone to look after you and rest!
Good luck, it will be absolutely fine.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, I find it really weird at the lack of info but maybe i'll get more when i get my bloods checked.
If you ring the unit/ward/clinic where your appointment is they should be able to answer any questions you have, I hope it all goes ok! xx
Aside from those below it's normally a day surgery. In first thing in morning out tea time. Take a book for whilst you're waiting. Make sure you buy some peppermint oil capsules before the surgery as they will help immensely with trapped wind on about day 3-4. Good luck and here always if you need a chat xx