Hey all,
I get the worst chronic pelvic pain everyday that lasts for 6-12 hours straight.
I had a laparoscopy last year and apparently all my endometriosis was removed (this was by a different Gynacologist). She didn't tell me about any of the results from my biopsy or the surgery. Then she didn't care that i got pain and bleeding everyday months and months still after surgery.
I went to a new and much nicer Gynacologist who actually wanted to help get rid of the pain. However, she didn't know how my surgery went or anything because i had no clue and the old Gynacologist would not send the results over, even after we sent numerous letters, we got no response.
She thought i may have nerve pain and tried me on numerous nerve pain medications, which unfortunately had no affect. Also, extra hormones to help get rid of the bleeding and pain. It's lowered the everyday bleeding a bit but the pain is actually slowly getting worse.
My mum has rang the new Gynacologists office up multiple times, trying to get me in sooner because the pain has been unbearable. My family and friends keep trying to get me to go to hospital when i'm in so much pain. However, i refuse to because i have endone and the same drugs they have and they don't even help the pain at all.
The Gynacologist finally rang us back and said she just wont be able to help me and she is really sorry. She has referred me to a special chronic pelvic pain doctor who she thinks will be better help.
But I have recently been getting new symptoms such as pain and cramps in the bowels (which i did not have before). So this makes me think that i still have endometriosis and it has spread. A chronic pain doctor doesn't actually specialise in endometriosis so I don't know if that will help.
Lastly, people have told me i shouldn't see her because i am only 19 and i will probably have to take medication for the chronic pain for the rest of my life.