Does anyone else get stabbing chest pain and tightness of the chest? I'm wondering whether this is side effects to the codeine I'm on. The pain seems go hand in hand when I'm having bad days pain wise in my stomach! I'm working away from home at the moment so not sure what to do?
Chest pain! : Does anyone else get stabbing... - Endometriosis UK
Chest pain!

Iv been experiencing this lately I put it down to ibuprofen do you take that also? it's extremely uncomfortable and affects the back aswel as the front. It's woke me up a few times aswel. Hope it calms down for you soon 🙂 xxx
I take mefenamic acid so yeh kinda the same thing being an anti inflammatory. I get it both in the front of my chest and In my back also! Must be related to either endo or the pain killers.
Must be. Mention it to your gp I keep forgetting because there Is always something that's bothering me there and then. I'll defo mention it next time. Pain meds annoy me take to relieve one thing or another they cause so much other pains. 😕Xxx
I would mention it to my gp but I work away from home at the moment, not sure whether to go get checked up in a walk in centre or just leave it...
Get it checked up hun. For reassurance chest pain isn't really to be taken lightly. Us endo girls be used to quite extreme pain so what might feel like a minor pain compared to the pain we're used too would maybe be feel like a really bad pain for others that don't suffer chronic pain. If it's bothering you and your in doubt about what it could be. Get it checked just to be on safe side. Xxx
I Had the same issue when taking narproxen I kept taking it on an empty stomach so I ended up in A&E with horrendous chest pains
i get chest pain just. before my period i use to think it was indegestion until my doctor told me is it was indegestion the gaviscon and reflux tablets would be helping so would take a pain killer and it would ease it , but if its the same as mine i feel for you get doubled over and in so much pain cant move , i do get it along with cocodomol but dont know if its just that codeine doesnt stop it or if it makes it worse , not much help on helping sorry , x
yes I experience this a lot I have had this endo for many years had a full hysterectomy 10yrs ago and the pain is back I don't regret having the op but I was advised by the consultant that there is no guarantee to get all and this was when he said it can go antwhere in our bodies this explained why I was getting pains and cramps in other places how are you feeling now