I’ve had a pain at one side of my chest for a while near my sternum on my breast bone seems it’s getting worse hurts when deep breathing anyone else get this one thing after another stopped me dancing other day and I love dancing
Chest pain: I’ve had a pain at one side of... - Endometriosis UK
Chest pain

Probably best to get it checked by GP.
It could be muscular, but see them first.
I’ve been suffering with chest pain for around a year now I’d say, also palpitations quite often.
Doctors said it’s muscular too, but I had a heart echo around a year ago and everything was fine.
I’m waiting to have a 24 hour heart tape.
Ask for further tests x
Thanks for your response glad I’m not the only one as awful as it sounds I was just thinking now I should really go to the g.p cause I have never had it before I told my g.p before and she told me she thought it was anxiety but it happens when I’m fine and not anxious and when the chest pain started I thought something is not right .do you have endometriosis too as I read we are more at risk of heart disease.i know I shouldn’t read these things and stress myself more but it got me really worried I thought I’m going to go back to my g.p !do you have it either side of your sternum ?all this has started since I’ve had endo.my first symptoms were breathlessness now this x
I have endo yes, but not sure where yet. I also have cysts. My doctors said anxiety too But you have to push and get the tests done, I’ve also ended up in A & E due to chest pain where they done the heart echo. Keep pushing x
I have it but haven’t had a lap so don’t know full extent just been told it’s in my pelvis I told the endo expert I found it hard to breath but he said it’s probably I’m trying to breath through pain but it’s not that maybe I didn’t explain it properly or he didn’t quite get what I was saying as I just said I struggle to breath seems to have got worse though over time.what should I ask just that can we investigate more into it I think I’ll say something along those lines cause I’ve never had this until now
Ask for a 24 heart tape (ECG) this can pick up any abnormalities, and once your referred to cardiology they will decide what tests are appropriate. Hope you get the answers you want. X
Hi, I've suffered with chest pain. When I went to the GP a week before my excision surgery she admitted me to hospital straight away. Due to prostap they thought it was a pulmonary embolism, but ended up having 2 abnormal ECG. Fastt forward 7 days and I'm ready for surgery. Got my gown on and ready to go down.,only to be told at the last minute they wouldn't operate due to my cardiac event. As you can imagine I wasn't happy. The consultant explained I either had a mild heart attack or. I have an issue with oxygen and blood going to my heart. Not the best! So now I'm waiting for an Echo and can't have the excision surgery until I have this done. So, if I were you keep on at your GP! I only went in asking for some more painkillers and ended up being admitted. I'm grateful it happened, as it could have been bad news being put to sleep.
Just their fancy way of saying a blood clot on the lungs. Just waiting now in pain for the echo to be done as they won't operate until I've had that done.
How are you feeling? X
My pain seems to have calmed a bit today but is still slightly there on my chest I applied a compress and didn’t do anything strenuous for a full few days but it’s still their a bit.I’m still having palpitations though.what is your pain like does it hurt when you press on the area mine does.is it still hurting a lot.sorry about that did it feel like you had a Mini stroke sorry about that when I had a pre op they checked my heart all was ok then so I’m not sure if it was just a case of all ok on that day I think I’ll just mention it to my g.p so it’s on record cause my dad has a blood clotting disorder he may have passed it onto me he has had it all his life but has got worse with age that’s another reason I think I should tell the doctor think I’ll book in tomorrow
Thanks for your comments ladies I’m booked in for a ecg next week I’ve still had some issues with it and having some bloods done to check my thyroid sure I’ve had thyroid checked but won’t hurt to re check x
Hi girls,
After 1 pack of cigarettes, I got dizzy, chest pain, choking sensation, stinging heart, pulse 140 bpm and I have not seen with the right eye. During this time I arrived at the Emergency Hospital, where I was given infusions and administered a calcium blocker. This episode lasted about 2 hours. The dizziness persisted for a small part the next day, after which he recovered.
After a few months, I started to take Progesteron (Visanne) and felt strong punctures in the chest with spasms of pain. I was consulted by a lot of dr. and the single one problem was found is a sinusal tahicardia. No medicamentation given.
Very strange..
Sorry about that mine is ongoing with physical exercise I don’t smoke or drink and have a very healthy diet but could be linked with my endometriosis as is worse before my period x
I want to mention that in my family there is no history of heart diseases. I stopped smoking from 4 weeks. I do not drink alcohool and I feel chest pain, chest pressure, sensation of suffocation and stings from time to time. If I drink a cafe latte, the sensations described are amplified.
Nothing found after a cardiac ultrasound, , stress cardio test and a EKG holter for 24h.
Endometriosis - level IV
I underwent two endometriosis surgery on the ovaries in 2012 (with electrocautery including some endometriosis points on the sigmoid)
That’s interesting to hear I have no family history either as I know but my family are very closed about things like that so can’t be sure .I didn’t know my auntie had endometriosis till recently and my mum had fibroids both underwent hysterectomy in 30s and only my dad has a blood clotting disorder