Has any one experienced side effects such as joint pain from having a mirena coil fitted ? I had mine fitted on the 28.03.17 to help with Endo. but about a week after I started to experience hip pain and general joint pain, I feel like an old woman.
Mirena Coil side effects: Has any one... - Endometriosis UK
Mirena Coil side effects

I had mine fitted on the same day as you...had it taken out today, my hands were shaking, had leg pain when I stood still for 5 minutes, so bloated, cramps, I googled Mirena side effects yesterday afternoon and made a Dr appointment immediately after, not for me.
I did look into side effects but didn't think joint pain was one, I feel a bit bloated but not shaky,?my doctor advised to leave for at least 3 months but I'm going to see if this joint pain disappears if not it's coming out !
I did read of some people complaining about joint pain. To be honest I am someone who hates even taking a paracetamol, so to have some alien bit of plastic inside of me is just not right, In my case it was only really for the heavy bleeding and even though I might not be able to leave the house for 1 day a month its preferable to the Mirena, it sure didn't make the breast tenderness better,made it 100 times worth. It was only suggested to me by my consultant just as I was going into theatre for my diagnostic lap, so had no time to do any research.
I'm the same in the sense of have drugs to control periods, tried them all none any good really don't suit me, but my consultant has told me a few times to try this and I've always put it of, I totally get the alien plastic comment I felt very strange after having in put in I will leave a little longer then may get it taken out x
Well good luck, I hope it does work for you xx