Hi all sorry for long post. I was diagnosed with severe stage 4 endo and frozen pelvis a few years back. I had every endo symptom going including bowel issues and bleeding from the bowel. I had excision surgery in May 2014 at a BSGE centre by an accredited surgeon. He changed my life. Once I recovered (which wasn't quick) I was symptom free, no pain and my periods were easy for the first time in my life. I successfully conceived in the December. My pregnancy wasn't easy and I had a lot of pain but I got through it and had a beautiful baby boy in Aug 2015. Since then my symptoms all slowly started to return until such point that I was pretty much in pain in the pelvic region every day! My pain radiates from back of pelvis round to the front into the hip and down the leg. Exactly like before. So on Dec 2016 I saw a gynae (unfortunately my lovely endo surgeon from before has now retired). This gynae felt my endo could be back or I could be suffering with adhesions grown since the previous surgery. He referred me to another Endo Surgeon at an accredited centre. I met a registrar there who said yes we'll do a lap to take a look. I had this lap on 6th March, I literally only got to meet the surgeon briefly before he operated and nobody came to see me after or explain anything. The nurse sent me away that night with a discharge summary that says Both Ovaries adherent to the pelvic sidewall, no endometriosis found within the pelvis, very mild inflammation within the bladder, I do not think the symptoms are gynaecological, No follow up required 😩
I had so many questions regarding this I emailed the secretary a letter to pass to the surgeon. Heard nothing so I left a voicemail a week later chasing it and asking for a return call, nothing! I called again another week later spoke to a lovely lady covering the secretary who assured me she'd pass on my email, still nothing. In the meantime I've had the worst period of my life, pain, nausea, heavy bleeding the lot. Also got put on anti biotics last week as Doc thought I had an infection. My bowels have always been a nightmare apart from that small amount of time between my big op and getting pregnant. So as I'm still getting the same pelvic pain as before this more recent op my GP said it could be bowel related. I saw a registrar yesterday in colo-rectal at the hospital who is going to do a colonoscopy and I've had bloods taken but he basically said I have IBS and my adhesions have probably grown back. I said what in 3 1/2 weeks? He said yes they can. He said I'm going to have to live with pain so once we rule out other stuff in the colonoscopy it'll be about pain management!!! Oh dear god shoot me now! I can't live with pain like this. I've also been told to take 2 sachets of laxido a day which make me feel sick!! I've decided I'm not happy with this response but at the minute no idea where to go or who to go to.
Any advice welcome or any similar experiences. Thank you.xxx