Newbie scared stiff about laparoscopy - Endometriosis UK

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Newbie scared stiff about laparoscopy

Lauren2389 profile image
22 Replies

Hi, newbie here! Just after some advice/ stories about laparoscopy.

After what seems like endless problems since I can remember I have been referred for a laparoscopy due to suspected ovarian cysts. I have suffered with pain that had got considerable worse in recent months so gynae suggested taking a closer look.

I have my internal scan tomorrow which I've had before so not so worried about that but am petrified about the upcoming op.

My questions are how was everybody after? Also did your op date come soon after your scan was done? I've had my pre-op done but have no actual date as of yet. I'm in Kent :-) x

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Lauren2389 profile image
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22 Replies
Lovisa profile image

Hello, most people have different experiences after operations. I've had three laps and so far each one has been fine, though my last lap in Dec I was more groggy then normal due to the anti sickness meds I was given before the operation. If you've had your pre-op done then this will cover you for up to 6 months "I'm not totally sure though" For instance, last year I saw my consultant in Oct, roughly 5 weeks later I had pre-op then less then 12 hours later I had a call to come in for surgery other times I've waited roughly several weeks after a pre-op.

DaisyDuckUK profile image

I'm no expert, but I believe recovery is a lot quicker if it's just a diagnostic laparoscopy.

I was lucky that my gynaecologist was qualified to remove endo so I had it diagnosed and removed all in one go. Recovery was pretty painful. I had two and a half weeks off work but it took another two weeks until I felt properly normal again. I was fine as long as I was sitting still, so I just watched loads of box sets and enjoyed the chance to relax.

Good luck!

Sparkyxx9386 profile image

I was really nervous as well as I had never had any kind of surgical procedure or spent any time as a patient In hospital bar A&E for what turned out to be a sprain. But having had it done I wouldn't hesitate to do it again! After my pre op I had my surgery about 2 weeks later. Being out under anaesthetic was what worries me most as I didn't know what it would feel like..but really it doesn't feel like anything tbh you feel a bit sleepy (as normal) then next thing you know you're waking up in recovery with some lovely nurses! I was signed off work for three weeks, the tiredness hung around for about 5. Have peppermint everything at the rest (e.g. Tea) to help shift the gas pains you get (where they pump air into your abdomen to inflate it to make working there easier) you'll feel it mostly in your shoulders, although you won't feel like it get up every hour or as often as you can and just walk to the front door and back as this will also help shift it. Clean the house before you go in as you won't be doing it for a little while once your back, prep your sofa or bed (where ever you intend to spend your days when your back lol) so you lay down propped somewhat upright and think ahead about what your going to do for food (e.g. Can your partner cook? Do you need to make some meals you can put in the freezer to reheat or are you going to get takeaway and someone else can answer the door? Lol) trust me you'll thank me later lol. It will be uncomfortable but once the post Lap pain is gone hopefully it will at least significantly improve our symptoms if not get rid of them for at least a while and give you some releif. If you need to take a little notebook to jot anything down the nurses tell you in recovery incase you are particularly groggy (I was fine but for some people it take a little while for the aneastetic to wear off) such as when to take you next dose of medication, if you need to book a follow up etc. The nurses and Drs etc were absolutely brilliant when i had mine done. I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine :) x

Lula79 profile image

Hi there, I've had 6 laparoscopies now and probably going to have another op as they found a 6cm cyst on my ovary this week!

Each time, apart from one time, I've been back to work after 2 weeks, the time i was off longer (3 weeks) was because I didn't react well to codeine but now I can take it (weird)

So the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be prepared for the trapped air you'll feel in your shoulders and your rib cage, that's the most painful bit but gets easier everyday until your 2nd week when it should disappear :) my advice here is as much as you don't want to move about you must do as it gets rid of the air much quicker than if you just lie or sit down. Other than that you'll just feel groggy from the morphine but everyone reacts differently you might be totally fine! I was a bit sick but nothing major.

I had my pre-op when I knew the date of the op and often had it a few days or a week before my op so you should know your date or chase them up if not.

Hope it all goes well good luck and enjoy being pampered by those around you whilst you recover :)


TraceyC1 profile image


I'm in Kent and been on the waiting list since December.

When I rang in January to find out if any date set I was told no lists till April. And then on radio I heard non emergency operations in West Kent area on hold till April the next financial year. So perhaps as you in Kent you won't hear a date yet. I was advised if in pain to go to A&E! I haven't and I waiting for a Laparoscopy as cysts on overies causing problems. My gynaecologist is convinced I have Endometriosis I not sure so when he takes out cysts I suppose he have a look around see if I do suffer from it or not. I have had a D&C a good few years back and that gynaecologist never saw any thing. And I had abnormal cells so lots of investigations down there and no one has ever said I had Endometriosis. So I am worried about it all and I have never had a laparoscopy before either so I get your fears. Hopefully we both get it over with soon and a good out come



Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Hi Tracey, just got back from my scan and the lady who done it said that if I haven't heard anything by the end of next week to phone the consultants secretary to ask. Where abouts in Kent are you? Xx

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389


I'm in Gravesend Kent My op should be either Darent Valley Hospital or told it could be Queen Mary's in Sidcup.

I have been told I can be added to another Gyneacologist but not garuntee it be any quicker.

I just want it over with I been told recovery could take a month. My sisters friend said although doctors say two wks for her she didn't feel right for three months. That wasn't what I wanted to hear to be honest . I only work part time due to my daughters needs but going from part time flexi work to no work for three months is a worry. I am married but used to having my own money and things to pay.

But I do want it done I had a follow up scan in Jan that already arranged before I say Gyneacologist. One cyst has burst I have lots of fluid in my pelvis area it showed up on scan. Other cyst still there on left side. My periods have returned and all over the place no set pattern them just appear any time they feel like it .and just as heavy sadly but although I no stranger to heavy painful monthly cycles last month was the worst pain ever. I had to canx work but I made up some diff excuse.

My be the laparoscopy can give me some answers I just wished they hurry up or I fear I will whimp out and not go in.


Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

I'm in Gravesend too such a small world, I'm under dr Waterstone and been told I'm having my surgery at queen Mary's as that's apparently where they do the day surgery now. I've already had pre op and scan done but hate the waiting x

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389

I'm under Mr Gupta I think that's how you spell it.

I had my pre op as well beginning of Jan.

Did u have a CT scan?

I had a ct scan in Dec I was so scared they found some thing I had to ring his secretary to find out it was ok. Well in fact marked as 'nothing sinister found' that's all she could tell me. But that was a relief as he had said he might have to take the overies!

Now I hoping that won't be necessary.

But I told it be either hosp. And I am hoping it be darent valley if honest closer to home. I know queen Marys a good hospital but I still prefer Darent so fingers crossed.


Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

No just had an internal scan done which picked up anything major, but at my consultant appointment I handed in my form to the theatre schelduling department x

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389

Well if you do ring let me know if you get a date.

I rang the scheduling departmentas they do the lists. But it takes ages getting threw on the phone.


Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Will do Hun x

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389

Hi Lauren did u ring and find out if any dates yet for operation. I haven't yet rung again but wonder if you told any thing different at the hospital.

Tracey x

Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Hi Tracey I haven't heard anything yet and not sure what department to phone? Whether to phone gynae or the theatre booking? To be honest I'm not sure what to say either, I don't want to sound like a whingy patient :-/ xx

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389


I might try again see if any lists out yet. It's the theatre scheduling department I rang last time. It's just a night mare getting threw on the phone.

I let u know if I get a date.


Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Ok I'll try to day too. Xx

Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Hi Tracey any news your end? X

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to TraceyC1

I did think if I pesteredthem enough I get a date 😂 lol that did not work for me at all!!

Lol x

Lauren2389 profile image

Any luck Tracey? Who do you reckon I should phone? Was told by dr waterstone that my surgery would be at queen Mary's so unsure whether to phone the theatre booking line at darenth or queen marys? Xx

TraceyC1 profile image
TraceyC1 in reply to Lauren2389

Sorry late reply

I just given a date from queen Mary's I go in 13th April. I had tried Darent Valley but the lady voice mail only saying she not av. so I never rang again then today call from queen Mary's. So if u not rung then ring queen Mary's

Sorry late reply hope u ok


Lauren2389 profile image
Lauren2389 in reply to TraceyC1

Hi Tracey pleased you have your date! Always the bloody voicemail 😂 X should I phone st Mary's theatre booking? Not sure what to say either?? Help!! Xxx

Lauren2389 profile image

Hi Tracey how did your op go? Xx hope your well x

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