I'm going in for my first laparoscopy on Tuesday. How long did it take ladies to get back to work? How did you cope with your children and partners being at work after op? Do you get your results after your op? Do you need to take an over night bag with you?
Laparoscopy : I'm going in for my first... - Endometriosis UK

I had my first lap a month ago. I work in an office and initially planned to take a week off to recover however I ended up having two weeks off due to tiredness more than anything else. I felt pretty good the first couple of days after the operation and I think that I overdid it which led to it taking a little longer to recover. My advice would be where possible do some serious relaxing, don't push yourself.
When I was discharged from the hospital I was told that I had been diagnosed with Endo stage 3 however I have to wait to see my consultant next month to find out the detail of what was done during the operation.
I did take an overnight bag, luckily I was on the morning list of operations however I would certainly be prepared to stay over. I would definitely recommend making sure you are well enough before you go home, I had an hour journey home and was in quite a bit of pain. In hindsight I would have waited another hour at the hospital just so that my painkillers were in full effect and I could travel in less discomfort. It's so tempting to want to go home at the first possible opportunity.
To give you an idea of timings, I arrived at the hospital at 7am, I went down to theatre at 11am, I was in recovery at 1:30pm (totally dependant on what you have done, part of my lap was to have my fallopian tubes tested with a dye and a cyst drained on my ovary), I was discharged at 5pm and left the hospital at 7pm (I wasn't allowed to go until I'd done a wee).
Good luck and stay positive! X
Oh and useful things to put in an overnight bag would be:
Really comfy clothes, remember you feel pretty bloated after the op
A book, I had to wait for 4 hours to go to theatre
Sanitary towels, I had a very small amount of bleeding and felt more secure with one
Slippers and a dressing gown for when you walk down to theatre
A cushion or blanket to put between your tummy and the seatbelt on the journey home
My job entails heavy lifting so I'm kind of worried about that I've planned for a week off. My mother in law is in hospital so going to go visit her once I've been admitted. Im dreading the thought of not eating for nearly a whole day. Not even aloud a cup of tea at all haha thank you for your advice. Has put my mind at ease just now until more questions crop up haha x
3 weeks,
Results after op while still in hospital then discussed further at follow up,
Stayed overnight both times, sometimes this can happen unplanned so it's best to have your overnight things with you
Had my 2nd lap last Friday, told work I would be signed off for two weeks like my first lap.. however this time I have been signed off for four weeks 😔 They kept me in over night both times, 1st because of low blood pressure and 2nd due to them putting in a catheter which has to stay in overnight. A week on I feel in my head I can do anything... but a few mins of light housework my body tells me otherwise. Good Luck hope all goes well for you xx
I initially booked a week off work, but ended up being off a week and a half, although I really should have taken 2 full weeks off. You'll find you'll be really tired a lot in the first couple of weeks after the operation, so take it easy. I really struggled afterwards, I was bed bound for 3 days as the gas pain was just horrible for me, but most people can get up and walking around the next day. But do take it easy - it's so easy to overdo it and then it'll take you longer to recover! I agree with Tetley1976, you will find even light housework is exhausting.
The surgeon will usually explain the findings after your operation and once you've come round from the anaesthetic. You won't usually need to stay in overnight unless you're seen quite late in the day or you haven't recovered enough from the anaesthetic.
Good luck -hope it all goes well!