Hi ladies, I'm new here. I joined recently after being told I was referred for laparoscopy, and I wondered if you could help? How long did you have to wait once you were told you were being referred to the laparoscopy? And how quickly did you recover? I am getting married on 9th September. I am really worried about getting everything done between now and then for the wedding, as well as everything else I have to do this year - two weddings, my hen party, my 30th, trials etc for the wedding, got to go to NZ in April with work etc.... I have my wedding dress, and it was expensive (I can't afford to buy another one and the shop won't take it back) - it fits now but I want to lose more weight to be more comfortable. I'm hypothyroid so it's really hard for me to lose weight - I'm worried that after the op, it will take me a long time until I can exercise again... I'm so sorry that this sounds so pathetic but I'm really worried about our wedding and honeymoon being completely messed up because of this. Ideally, I want to get the op over with as quickly as possible but I'm not expecting that to happen
Laparoscopy, endometriosis and wedding pl... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy, endometriosis and wedding planning!

Firstly, congratulations on your wedding day!
It doesn't sound pathetic, I'd be exactly the same!
It took 6 weeks from the referral to the surgery. That recovery was about 4 weeks, but my surgeon was horrendous!
The 2nd diagnostic lap I had, I was fine the day after, (I think I even went to Asda) just felt a little sore on incisions!
The 3rd one I had was a big op at 8 hours long and I had a lot done but that recovery was quick and after 2 weeks I was 'normal' again! Just shows a better surgeon (and drugs) makes a difference!
Best advice I can give you, is get up and move about as much as you can after the surgery, and peppermint tea for the gas pain! And lots of pillows to get yourself comfortable to sleep and bridget Jones knickers post-op!
It really does depend on what they do when they are in there for recovery.
You could always keep ringing and nagging the doctors for a date, I did to get the referral and it seemed to speed it up a bit!
Good luck with everything and I hope you have an amazing year! Xx
Hi Bethaney. When the gynaecologist told me she wanted to do surgery I waited 2 and a half months before I got the call saying they could fit me in after a cancellation. It was this Monday, so I'm still recovering. I should be okay to return to school in 2 weeks.
If you would like to speed up the wait time, check with someone at the hospital to see if you have been put on the late notice cancellations list.
Goodluck and congratulations on your wedding! x
Congratulations Bethaney.
Some hospitals have quite lengthy waiting times for operations. I know someone waiting for one at our local hospital and thats been 6 months already. U could ask to postpone it until after your wedding. At least then you can enjoy all the planning and preparation as well as the day itself. Obviously depends on how bad your symptoms are. I have had two laps myself and recovery has been slow. My first i ended up off work for nearly 6 weeks as i had an infection and thats with an office job but even then i went back too soon. With my second i was off for 3. Again i went back far too soon and struggled quite considerably. It prob took around 12 months to feel normal again.
Take care
I waited from 31st March to 11th August for my second lap but I think it'll vary from hospital to hospital. My first lap was done very quickly (less than a month between referral and op).
I actually lost weight after both surgeries. I ate quite lightly because I didn't really regain my appetite until I went back to work. Then because I felt better after my surgery than I did before I was able to be more active and did less comfort eating! X
Hey, I'm in a similar position, my wedding is the start of September and we are in the process of buying our first house. I have had my initial appointment for 2nd lap and now waiting for a date for the OP. Just hoping to get it done and out the way. It took me a month to recover after my first lap. Just greatful my fiancee is amazing and takes care of me.
Fingers crossed that you have everything done as soon as poss.
Congrats and don't forget to enjoy the wedding process
Hi BethaneyB
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
Here is some information regarding the laparoscopy
Endometriosis UK
Thank you so much everyone for your advice (and congratulations!). I rang the doctors today and after telling me on Monday that they were referring me, they still haven't done it yet. I then called the hospital to get an idea of waiting time - not great news. 12-14 weeks for the appointment, and then about 18 weeks from the referral being received to the laparoscopy. I think it's just cutting it too fine with the wedding so I think I'm going to delay until after the big day... My pain is only bad for 1-1.5 weeks a month when I'm on my period and apart from this, I have really bad IBS signs - currently sat here with a huge swollen tummy.
I really hope you all recover after your ops, and I really do appreciate you taking the time to reply. I've had health issues before, mainly my rubbish thyroid, but this endometriosis has really got to me. Really appreciate the support x
i would go to the consultation first to get the ball rolling and then depending when it is just say you dont want it before your wedding/honeymoon. timing wise it sounds like it will prob be after anyway.
I had my first gynae appointment on the 3rd jan and my lap was booked for yesterday 1st feb. I've had to postpone as I'm going to a wedding in Vegas on the 11th. So I'm now having mine on the 22nd. Every hospital is different with wait times.
My gynae said to me it should only take a week to recover but I've read most ladies have 2-3 weeks off work x
Congrats on your wedding! I'm big 30 this year too 😋
Wow! If I had that kind of timings, I'd be delighted! I hope your op goes well and you make a good recovery. And happy birthday in advance! Have you been to Vegas before? It is brilliant - recommend a meal at The Sugar Factory. The dessert is excellent! Have a fabulous trip! x
When talking to the consultant tell him/her you need to be seen sooner rather than later, I was so fed up of waiting for different appointments before the lap that I told him I'm not happy to wait 6 months for the lap so he put urgent on my referral and I got in about 2 months later, I would give yourself time after to recover too, I had to have extra time off as some of my stitches from the treatment got infected inside so was very painful but you have to give your core muscles time to heal too I probably had about a month off to recover, I hope it works out well for you tho and you have a lovely wedding x
That's good to know. I was considering trying to delay after the wedding but for the past two days, my stomach has been horribly swollen - no chance of fitting in my dress! So I think I am going to approach this with a positive outlook, have the op done (at the latest, it will June/July time so hopefully time to recover) and focus on the positives..... Positive mental attitude and all that! x
My doctors told me last Monday that they were referring me. I called on Friday to see if it had been done and was told the letter was with the typist. Told to call back today which I did... spoke to three different receptionists - first told me she couldn't see any record of the referral, second told me it was still with the typist, third told me the letter was with the secretary... my doctor is fabulous but the receptionists are useless! I explained re: wedding etc and they told me they are going to do it... but after that palava, I don't have much faith 😢