Hi all
I had my first Laparoscopy yesterday after a year of investigations etc.. I payed for a private gynecologist as was at my wit's end in becoming well again. I had gone from a healthy young (41) lady, active/sporty to since having Mirena Coil fitted last year (perhaps coincidence), to developing Vitamin D deficiency, Fibromyalgia, Urticaria/Angeodema to all sorts of pain having ovarian cysts (disperse and go away) I understand this isn't life threatening, but like you all, just want answers. To now having heard that my endometrial wall had thickened. Was given HRT and told I may have Adenamyosis even though this wouldn't show on MRI(correct like every other test) to now (before-)& after Keyhole yesterday with constant pain in my left which stops me from sitting/laying down with huge pregnant like bloating, to have nothing found on Laporoscopy, and told my follow-up will be 2-3 months. They took biopsy??????? Not sure if that can reveal anything??? Am soo exhausted and drained. Fed up and back to square 1. Have had Colonoscopy/Gastroenterology and they wouldn't give me a Capsule Endoscopy and put my problems down to IBS. I've got rid of my business to remove stress, on a Candida diet to aid bloating and paying an Osteopath to help etc... Nothing is helping, does anyone have similar experiences???? Am really interested please - sorry for long post! X