I suffer from severe osteoarthritis of both knees and find walking so painful I could cry, I also have it in the neck affecting my left side more, causing muscle weakness and muscle deterioration. To add to that I have had several spinal pain blocks because of lower back pain, arthritis again..
Recently I attended an Esa assessment, which was miles from where I live. Anyway after a few days I got a letter informing me I was fit for work and would benefit from obtaining a wheelchair so I could look for work. It was also noted that I managed to get there by train, I was able to take my jacket off and could use a pen ??????
Who the hell are these people that sit and make judgment on sick people, certainly not doctors and if they are they should be ashamed of themselves and ashamed of the profession they insult.
So what now, not fit to sign on so no money and at 64 years of age who gives a toss.
Not the government that's for sure.....