Hi all
Very anxious as have a health assessment for Esa.
I have been in chronic daily pain for almost a year now. I'm under a Bsge centre and on a waiting list for surgery and possible bowel surgery.
I have tried to work through the pain but in fact it made it worse.Unable to move or sleep from the pain.
From previous posts on esa assessments it is obvious that I will not be taken seriously. Knowing It's all points related with Q n A.
A good friend of mine with severe epilepsy was refused disability allowance n advised to work. Although he can barely function daily without falling over and ended up in AnE.
What hope is there for me?
Any tips to prepare for this?
I feel mentally very fragile from being so unwell, utterly exhausted mentally and physically with this Endo battle.
Thanks for listening and hope collectively we might have a voice!
Best wishes for a painless day to all X