I am new to this site so sorry if this has already been asked! Does anyone have any recommendations for pain relief? I was diagonals about 4 months ago after repeatedly being sent away from hospital telling me the pain was just period pain. ( although I knew it was something else) anyway to cut a long story short , my bupa doctor has recommended that I take the pill for 3 months continuously with a. 4 day gap and then 3 months again etc. This was supposed to stop my period to stop the pain, however a couple of days ago I started getting pain again and my period started. The pain from both ( the cramps and the endometriosis) is unbearable. I have tried Tramadol, naproxen, feminax, codeiene and am out of options! Nothing seems to help. I have been off work today and need to get back asap but with this pain I'm struggling to get out of bed . Sorry for the long winded message! Thank you