Hey ladies,
I'm on the waiting list for a laparoscopy and apparently I'm marked as an 'urgent' but have been informed I'll receive a date within the next 6-8 weeks, WHAT?!?!?
Now I've worked in the NHS since I was 16, I've worked for cancer teams and just general radiology admin. I know all about waiting times and an urgent patient shouldn't be waiting more than 4 weeks ideally, so why do I have to wait potentially another 2 months?!?
I know that where I live another hospital under our trust has taken over our theatre lists but this is ridiculous, I waited from January until July to see a gynaecologist, the Gynae dr referred me July 4th for laparoscopy. I then waited from July 4th til September 26th for pre operative assessment which is ridiculous and now I may not get the lap until mid/end November.
I'm in pain everyday, taking 6-8 cocodamols per day, as well as naproxen for lumbar spine pain and my normal pill, I've been gaining weight for no apparent reason other than the fact I have Polycyistic ovaries , which can cause weight gain, I also take the pill which I know can mess with your hormones but I've had no diet or exercise changes that have been drastic, my diet is healthy and balanced and I moderately exercise. I am feeling exhausted every single day due to pain and no one in my family understands this. They think I'm lazy because I'm sleeping a lot more simply because I'm tired and can't handle the pain and now I may have to wait until December? I feel so hopeless and don't know how to speed this process up, should I go private? I can't wait any longer, I've waited ten months just for some sort of answer to be told I have muscle pain in my back and probably have endo, and I just feel so desperate for an end to this...