Good morning girls,
I've been tossing and turning all night, I awoke at to a horrible pain in the right hand side of my pelvis, only way to explain it is like something has or is going to burst?
The pain is shooting from the bottom of my back, through to my stomach, down my groin & down my right leg.
its coming on in waves, eases off for a little then comes back on really bad for about a minute & I'm rocking myself & moaning due to the pain, I've had 2 paracetamol & 30mg of codeine, I'm tempted to reach for my Oral morphine. I rang nhs 111 and they've told me to see my gp. I don't know what to do girls? I've also started to spot brown and red blood, I have the Mirena fitted & it doesn't feel like the usual pain I get when I'm going to bleed, just feels like something is going to burst? I have no appendix so I know it's not that, my tummy is also very tender on the right hand side and it hurts when I move?
any advice would be really appreciated xxx