I used to never get migraines but on this pill I keep getting the really bad ones twice a month. Does anyone else experience this?
Migraines : I used to never get migraines... - Endometriosis UK
I also had an MRI of my brain that revealed a small white dot on the bottom of the right side, the neurologist said it was either a growth or just a vien or weird thing that happened during the scan but said I shouldn't worry since it didn't look like a clot or cancerous.
I started getting migraines whilst on pill so switched pill and still got them. Even tried progesterone only pill and still got them. Only stopped after hysterectomy so quite sure they were just part of hormones and endo changing/growing.
Maybe try another pill to see but may just be bad luck i'm afraid.
Get GP to give you some prescription pain meds for them as I did find they helped.
I also had migraines on the combined pill, went to see my doctor about them and she told me to stop taking it immediately and gave me cerelle instead. You should go and see your gp to get some advice as getting migraines on the pill can be dangerous x
I'm on progesterone but the migraines were much worse on combined, and I was told to not take them.
I tried 9 differenct combined pills in my time....and some caused migraines or tingling limbs. I was advised to come off them and try something else. Check in with your doctor....there may yet be a much better pill for you.
Are progesterone pills all the same? I'm on Norluatate and I was told I would be on Lupron next...
I think progesterone pills are different - it's worth persevering and asking your doctor.
I get migraines. I know people have mentioned it but it's worth checking ur pill. Combined pill isn't recommended for migraine suffers. I'm on cerelle. The implant isn't recommended for people who get migraines I nearly had a stroke and my gp got in trouble for prescribing it too me. But if they become a problem talk to your g.p. I was sent to a neurologist to help manage mine. He said hormones are the main reason for migraines. That and medication headaches. He recommended aspirin for the pain and said too avoid stuff like co-codamol and to be careful because some migraine tablets contain it. If the pain becomes too much he recommended a nasal spray and anti-nausea tablet. He also recommended acupunture xxx
I'm taking the mini pill and have seen a nerologist, I have a prescription for the migraine tablets I don't know what they're called though.
Good, that's what you want. If your migraines are hormonal then the mini pill could be triggering them. I still get them a couple a month but for me that is good. It has really helped with the endo so for me it's worth it. Just keep track of them and your symptoms so you know what is going on and notice changes. At least if it's the pill you can just stop taking it. The pill is the only hormone treatment allowed because i can just stop, i don't need too see a dr or arrange for anything to be taken out. The other thing I use in a wee roller ball with 2 drops lavender and 1 of peppermint, euclyptus and frankincense. On my temples and back of neck. I would burn it at home as well. It really helps xxx