Hello everyone, my name is Kerry, I'm a 35 year old mother of one and I work as an English teacher at a college.
I was diagnosed with endometriosis 7 years ago after having an operation to remove a lump from my C-section scar.
Since then I have been having Depo injections which means that I no longer have the pain that I used to have around my time of the month. However, I am still left with discomfort, tiredness, back pain (if I stand still too long), pain during/after sex and terrible skin.
After having enough of having painful spots always appearing in my chin, jawline and neck, I decided to try and change my diet. I've given up caffeine, cut down on alcohol (not that I drank much anyway) and cut out dairy. I'm finding dairy the hardest and silly things always annoy me, for example, my daughter and I love going out for afternoon tea but I will no longer be able to do that. I know it's stupid but I can't help it. I guess I just hate that I'm forced to give things up because my body is 'defective'.
I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. My family know I have endo but they don't take it seriously. Because I don't tell them everything about the pain I have, they think I'm alright and just being silly. My partner does try his best to be supportive and suggested that I try to seek advice from other women who know what I'm going through... so here I am. Ready to talk but also ready to listen.