I'm currently trying to deal with a return of bowel symptoms which most like seem to be due to bowel endo (I have a RV lesion plus a second nodule on the bowel). I've had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy and have already had excision. I had an MRI earlier this year which showed adhesions between the rectum and vaginal cuff, and I have a lot of scarring from earlier surgeries.
I've been sent to a gastro who specialises in helping women with bowel endo manage their symptoms and pain - about a year ago (after having covid) I started having unpredictable bouts of very painful diarrhoea as well as the constipation I've been dealing with pretty much forever :/
She suggested that I go on the endo diet. I've been on it before and had found it helpful. She also recommended peppermint oil, and then gave me nortryptiline to try if that didn't work. I've cut out dairy so far, added the peppermint, and I also added a probiotic to see if that would help. But TBH after a few days of initially feeling better, I feel now like the diarrhoea is getting worse. I've had 2 bouts in the last 5 days whereas before I could go maybe 10-14 days. Although there was nothing sinister in the MRI she recommended a colonoscopy, which I'm in the process of arranging.
I remember the endo diet helping before, but it was years ago, and I've never tried peppermint. Should I be expecting things to get worse before they get better (due to changes in gut bacteria)? I'm so desperate for it to stop, it's starting to really limit my life, especially as it seems to be triggered by stress and if I go anywhere far from home I'm terrified of having an attack. I don't know what to do.