I have just found out that I have endometriosis and poycsic overy syndrome after years of pain I'm only 24 i juat feel so scared now I know I have it also I'm always feel so low and poorly hate the face that no one really understands me I have a fiance of 5 years he is the best thing ever but I feel so sorry for him to as I'm moody with him even when I try not too be I'm scared on what foods to eat and what to eat I'm so sick of being in chronic pain with my pelvis my back my legs my head and when im doing what i love / also having sex hurts.. I just feel so fatigue all the time and I'm physically sick sometimes because of the pain, I just wish I could get my life back and get rid of this horrible illness and stop tacking pain pill that don't really work x
Endometriosis : I have just found out that... - Endometriosis UK

Hi Alarna,
I too have just got a confirmed diagnoses of endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy done 2 days ago to confirm and treat endo if I did have it. I’m glad I know what it is I have, because it means I can start tackling the symptoms I’ve been experiencing better.you too can now start to tackle your symptoms knowing what it is you have. It’s hard to treat something when you don’t have a diagnoses. Best of luck ! X
Thank u do u no if I will have to have a laparoscopy as got my first gynecologist in may so scared and hate how low I feel most days well starts after iv work up when I finally get to sleep anyway xu also best of luck
Hi sorry to hear this , don’t feel scared get your fiancé and parents to do some research on endometriosis , my parents told me they understand it and and now know how horrible the disease is , I had my laparoscopy and cystoscopy last week I was diagnosed stage 4 endometriosis, I know exactly how you feel.. have you had your laparoscopy? Xx
Hello I have not as yet in may I have it just with I never had it at all is horrible ant it dose it make u very sick
They can only diagnose endometriosis through laparoscopy so you will definitely get the laparoscopy .. it all depends on how what stage your endometriosis is at, no you will learn how to deal live with it, I take 6 pain relief tablets a day , I use a tens machine for my back pain and leg pain , and I use heat pads for my abdomen/pelvic pain im in constant pain as I’ve had constant pain I’ve learned how to control it, I still work full time although my manager is very supportive if I need to leave early I will leave early or if I have a bad flare up she will send me home.. so I’m very lucky to have a manager who supports me ... I’m currently recovering from my first laparoscopy I have a long road ahead of me but best to be positive think positive it helps a lot ... all the best for your lap , do u have a endometriosis specialist? This also helps...xx
Thanks u lots for helping out sorry ur in pain all time me too iv left two job in care as too poorly all time sick of back pain and pelvis killing legs head feel so tired and sick will this ever get easyer how do I get a endometriosis specials
Your doctor will refer you if they haven’t already done so to your gynaecologist once you have your laparoscopy and you have been diagnosed with endometriosis they will then send you to your endometriosis specialist if your local hospital / gynae have one .. I’m very lucky I have a endometriosis specialist and he is also my endometriosis surgeon, I get on great with him that makes it so much better he’s so down to earth aswell make ‘s a difference, or next time you have a gp ask your GP about it... all the best 😘
The only way they definitively diagnose endometriosis is through a laparoscopy. For me, I had developed endometrioma cysts on my ovaries that became really troublesome. I started getting rectal pain and all sorts. It’s only because of this I stumbled across the diagnoses of endometriosis.
I think once you see your consultant you’ll get a better idea as to what may be going on and the extent of these conditions. If a laparoscopy is required then they may decide to go ahead with that in order to treat your symptoms. You’re not alone here, there’s many people on here who go through terrible symptoms and reading their journey will give you some ease as well. You need to educate yourself on these conditions properly by reading around it and reading other people’s journey as it can effect women differently. I’m really new to this as well, but following laparoscopy I’m going to make sure I eat healthy in order to give myself the best chance of the endo not returning x
Thanks u mean a lot that I now overs are going threw it and I'm not alone