Northern Ireland waiting times - Endometriosis UK

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Northern Ireland waiting times

Yvonne_Louise profile image
12 Replies

At this stage I'm still undiagnosed.. I'm wondering if anyone had been referred for a diagnostic lap at Antrim area hospital? It's been over 6weeks and still no appointment.. I've been suffering since I was around 15 now 27 I can't suffer anymore.. How can I speed things up?

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Yvonne_Louise profile image
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12 Replies
Minnie1128 profile image

NHS guidelines state that you should be seen within 18 weeks of referral. Once you get an appointment through you could try calling up for a cancellation to make it as soon as possible. In the mean time you could call them to check that they have received the referral as I know once mine got sent to community gynae instead!

kt20 profile image


I was diagnosed last year (aged 21) in Aberdeen, Scotland after YEARS of being fobbed off. I'm originally from Derry/Londonderry and attended my GP from the age of 14 complaining of extremely heavy painful periods but it wasn't until I moved to Aberdeen that I was taken seriously and finally got my laparoscopy last June.

I know this isn't of major help but I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly what you're going through and how difficult it can be over there. The only other thing I can suggest is going private. I know the private hospital in Ballykelly is quite good but I have no idea how much they charge.

Hope you're aren't feeling too bad just now!

K. xx

Lilykat197 profile image

I am afraid the 18 week rule doesn't really mean anything anymore... Any gyne in N.I will tell you the wait is minimum 9 months!! I am treated in the city hospital, I've had 4 procedures so far, was diagnosed in 2008, last lap was in May had to wait 6 months for it and apparently it was urgent!!

Sorry I know this isn't much help to you but I would hate you to have false expectations I know too well how frustrating that can be!! I hope for you it will be faster, just keep at them...

L x

angiebabes88 profile image

I was on the waiting list for Belfast city for almost 9 months and that was urgent, Ulster hospital from November 2014 and I asked my doctor to refer me to the altnagelvin hospital as they have an Endo specialist centre, took less than 5 months from initial appointment until I got my lap! I know how frustrating it can be, I just got myself on as many waiting lists as I possibly could and guess what, all 3 appointment letters came within a week of each other! Hope you get some good news soon. xx

Yvonne_Louise profile image

Thanks for getting back to me I couldn't find anything about waiting times for laparospcopy here in Northern Ireland.. I feel as though we don't have the same support and care as other countries.. Im at my end atm it's to much.. Been put on a continuous bc.. Has helped slightly but still in too much pain to get through a whole day.. Very strong Painkillers and three boiling hot water bottles keeps me at bay :( hopefully i hear soon.. Would I better going for a private app n see what happens then.. The waiting and not knowing on top of my daily struggles is too much atm.. I have just gotten more info from you ladies in 24hrs than I have from doctor over the past year.. Xx

Lilykat197 profile image
Lilykat197 in reply to Yvonne_Louise

It all depends really on how much you want or can afford to spend, I saw my consultant privately twice he is the same consultant that carried out my op on the nhs but the only reason mine was marked urgent and brought forward by him was because he carried out an ultrasound (that was done privately at a cost of £150 on top of the consultation) and detected a solid mass, my belly was also very bloated so I was put on his urgent nhs list, I first seen him in November mass was detected in March and I had my op in May, if they didn't suspect anything untoward he would have just put me on normal nhs list so it makes no difference to your waiting times.

What I will say is research who you want to go and see, I have had 4 ops some laparoscopic some open surgery and all by different consultants, I have never felt as good as I do now it's the best I have felt in years and long may it last!! My belly has reduced by 9 inches I look normal again and now I have a consultant who will continue my care, it's been a long painful and difficult road but I am now the best I can be and you can be too.

L x

DC5867 profile image

I saw the consultant in oct and had lap in May. That was in Belfast.

applebird profile image

Hi, I agree waiting time for initial appt is minimum 9 months in n.i., we only have one Endo centre and are under resourced by comparison to elsewhere. I was waiting for multidisciplinary surgery about 18 months. . .

If you can afford to go private for consult with Endo specialist do so x

S-Joys profile image

I know this post is slightly old now but does anyone have any up to date info on lap waiting times?

I had an MRI scan in March and got diagnosed with endo with 3 cysts. Been told I now have to have a lap and was told the wait should be no more than 3 months but I didn't get the feeling she knew for sure and was more of a vague estimate. Anyone know what the wait is for Belfast? I don't know who to call to check.

Thanks for any advice in advance.

tamz1409 profile image

I've been waiting since last October for lap in the mater hospital. Phone every other week to appointment line to be told waiting list is currently a year. In agony now and have just had to go off sick from work as unable to function daily anymore. Don't know what else to do!!

Been waiting since Oct 17, been complaining and suffering Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhoea since I began my periods. Finally rushed up to A and E due to the pain intensifying that badly.. To be told by a triage nurse that I was overreacting and everyone gets period pains.. And this was AAH. A Dr stuck a Paracetamol drip in and I was ushered out to waiting area because they needed bed, waited like 2-4 hours for gynae to come down.. Accuse me of an STD and do no scan whatsoever because "it would be a waste of time, and pointless" sent home with provera (wrong meds). Dr then sent me back straight to ultrasound since gynae clearly couldn't be bothered.

Seen consultant finally Jan 18 told 9 month wait time and my alleviated Ca125 blood meant nothing along with increased test etc. Told my cyst was 7cm (didn't seem to see right ovary) only left. Was called back in May 18 and they didn't even know I hadn't been operated on.. The African doctor couldn't even find the cyst and left me in bits with trans-vaginal ultrasound and the another doctor had to try and find it.. Now another *follow up app* Oct 18 and still no surgery... It's ruining my life and leaving me sicker than I need to be.. I can't train because of pain, walking is painful, cramping is all the time and the interconnecting problems that are occurring because of this is ridiculous.

Urgent.. My ass. If it turns out worse someone's getting sued, cause no women should have to suffer like this. I've asked for a full hysterectomy and been refused and they say they won't be able to remove cyst with out ovary likely.

Hospital times are bloody atrocious and I get they are understaffed and busy.. But If I paid 1200 or whatever I'd get the same surgeon in three five two and sooner..

Pinky2 profile image

I’ve been having gyane problems for a few yrs now, waited over a year for my first initial consultation with the Dr who said I needed an ablation and hystoscopy. Waited over a year for that surgery which I had nov 17. Things not been right since so my gp referred me bk to them, but I ended up in a&e before I got another appointment. I was admitted and found to have a large cyst which looked solid on my right ovary and my ca125 blood test was slightly raised. I got discharged from hospital and referred for an mri as a red flag.

I received my mri appointment for 2 weeks later and a consultant appointment for 5 weeks after.

Just been to consultant appointment at Downe Hospital this week and told I have an Endrometriam cyst and it’s attached to bk of uterus as well, I need a laparoscopy to remove it. It’s causing me daily pain, nausea and I’ve been off work 8 weeks already, consultant tells me the waiting time is 3yrs!!! How can there expect you to carry on in agony for so long. If I could afford it I’d go private but it’s not an option right now.

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