Hello (long post alert),
I've been holding off writing a post for a while but have been commenting here and there on others' posts. I see more and more people talking of wanting to hear a success story so here is mine, so far!
I was diagnosed with severe endo (bladder, bowels, POD and endometriomas - 6.5cm on both ovaries). I had a laparoscopy but although removing the cysts they didn't touch the endo. 6 months later I conceived but miscarried. I suspect another 2 miscarriages, one before this time and one after.
After two years it was confirmed that I had even more endometriomas that had returned immediately after the lap and I was in extreme pain daily with maybe one week lighter pain than the others. I'd had enough. I broke down completely and grieved. I know people going down the IVF route and I didn't know if I had the strength. Many people said that was selfish and how couldn't I do everything possible to conceive and I agreed but feared putting my already broken body through that for more disappointment. In fact I was terrified of more miscarriages.
I'll get to the point.... I got married, got drunk a fair bit, moved house and (tmi...) had sex once in February when I really fancied it, rather than discussing it first and knowing when I was ovulating. I actually tried to avoid ovulation to avoid disappointment. We looked into adoption and were just going to apply after deciding it was for us... And boom. There were a few things not adding up and I took a test to prove to my hubby that I wasn't pregnant. He was right π³ (He's not always right!).
I'm 21 weeks now and consider myself incredibly lucky every day. My cysts have shrunk and I have had no pain. I fear the worst most days but take it one step at a time. I haven't asked for any additional oversight and have been discharged from my consultants as I'm allegedly progressing well. I don't talk about it much and have tried to distance myself in case anything bad happens but am relaxing more and more each day even if things don't work out, what a fantastic story so far and it won't be because of the endo.
As I've said to others on here, endo is a misunderstood debilitating condition that does not get the recognition it should. It makes fertility difficult in some cases but not always impossible. Keep thinking as positively as you can, even when the endo feels overwhelming. Laugh lots, rule out time with Rubbish mates who don't want to understand (there's a difference between not understanding and not wanting to understand) and try to recognise the lighter moments in life.
Pregnancy can happen and does happen. I hope someone has found that helpful... Sorry for the long post x