My MRI has shown 5cm endometrioma on/in both ovaries, and endo on the ovaries and spotted around and also between the bowel and uterus. My periods are manageable though I first went to doctors due to severe pain after sex. It has taken 6 months to find out which type of ovarian cysts I have.....I had no idea I had endometriosis! The surgeon is basically saying they may have to remove the ovaries to be able to remove the cysts, which I absolutely do not want to do. My partner and I had just started trying for a baby when the pains started. I'm 36. Do I risk the surgery that may result in the loss of/or damage to my ovaries? I wonder if I can get pregnant, whether it would be better to cope with any pain and keep trying rather than loose the chance altogether? Does anyone have experience of endometriomas and pregnancy? I have found very few stories online.
Thanks for your time,