Does anyone else experience nausea a few days after their period?
What are some things I can do to keep it at bay?
Does anyone else experience nausea a few days after their period?
What are some things I can do to keep it at bay?
Ginger always helps so ginger tea, sip ginger ale or if you can face it eat ginger biscuits but slowly. I find the sugar in the ginger ale or biscuits can help too combat nausea if yr blood sugar level is also found those travel sickness bands helped too! Hope that helps x
Ok thanks, I find ginger does help
Have you tried mefaneamic acid,also maybe ask for some anti sickness meds from the doctors x
I think I might've, I was given a prescription for pain and I kept throwing up whenever I took it and getting palpitations.
I put ginger in hot water and have herbal teas which help. I always carry a pack of Nairns ginger oat biscuits in my handbag