So the gynecologist believes I have endo, didn't want to do a lap so I was recommended having the mirena coil fitted. I did 3 days ago. I was actually surprised how well I tolerated the pain, however didn't feel to great 5 minutes after it was all over, no one ever warns you about them bits.
All I want to know is are you supposed to cramp 3 days after, the pain is horrendous and yet i haven't bled once. I've felt for my strings and believe i can feel them. I've also been told to keep on my pill for 7 days after fitting, does anyone know if I will bleed after i stop taking my pill. I'm just scared of the unknown, the doctor terrified me at the thought of getting a pelvic infection and I suppose I don't want to confuse crampyness with it. Or is the coil just doing what it's supposed to do?
Even though the doctor was experienced in fitting coils, she didn't have much knowledge on the coil and endo
Any advice would be great or any similar stories
Thank you