Does anybody else get only back pain and not abdominal endo pain????? Every doctor is telling me it's referred pain but I get so wound up about them telling me where my pain is! Would like some endo sister help
Back pain only??: Does anybody else get... - Endometriosis UK
Back pain only??

I have just had gastronology investigation as gynae drs said back pain not related to endo. However I feel convinced the pain is!
Before my pain got daily and worse, I always only bad back pain, I was told for tears it was back problems, but now I put it down to my endo,
I had my 3rd laparoscopy last year and afterwards I still have back pain. They found I have mild scarring on my kidneys as I pushed for the scan but it's not related to the endo, I don't believe them.
You are aware of your body and if it doesn't feel right, keep fighting.
Pre lap I had back pain constantly where I couldn't lift bend anything. At times I couldn't walk properly. I had X-rays scans and still my consultant says my back pain is not endo related..... Since my surgery in October I have mild back pain. Hardly ever suffered from abdominal pain.
I came off the pill my back was really bad nothing would take the pain away all the medics were convinced id pulled my back I had physio. I told them it was hormonal as it would flare worse at certain times of the month and reduce me to tears but found once I restarted the pill within as little as 4 days the pain had decreased. Once the pill was in my system my body got used to it and I ended up with back pain all the time.
I was told pre surgery that the pain was all in my head. Even after surgery my consultant told me back pain is not related to endo it's frustrating but I can 100% tell you it is in my case. Don't give up xx
I'm 34 and have suffered with endometriosis since I was 10. Have always experience back pain and had several scans and treatments with no avail. So I done my own research on back pain with endo and it's very common. My GP confirmed that and also a professor in endo. I experience back pain daily and link this to my endometriosis without a doubt.
A saw a professer and he told me that back pain is common with endo and mine is always most painful when on my period I still also get lower left pain in my stomach but I got told back pain is still concidered to be connection with endo xx
It is quite common, there is a ligament that passes the ovaries and when there is severe cramping and inflammation pressure can be placed on that ligament which is linked to lumbar 4 and 5 being pulled out of true causing back pain and other issues, like referred pain down the legs
I had horrendous lower back pain daily before my laparoscopy & excision surgery, after the lap the pain was gone, I could feel gone almost straight away after the op so endo can definitely cause back pain. In my case, like yours, it was my worst and main symptom most of the time. My surgery was over a year ago and haven't had back pain since. Xxx
I've had symptoms on and off for.years but always put it down to just being unfortunately with periods ibs etc. Since I had my little.boy 18months ago I've had horrible back pain in the very bottom of my back. Spent 10months trying to convince the doctor its not right only to be told back pain is normal after a baby and it will go away by itself. He's my second and I never had any back pain after my little girl. After 10months I went in armed with papers, lists of symptoms, info on Endo etc I came across Endo when researching the pain myself. I directly asked for a referral to Endo specialist, had a lap 4months later which confirmed pouch of Douglas Endo and also my bowel is attached to my abdominal wall muscles with scarring. I'm now waiting for my lap to remove it (or as much as they can- 13days and counting). Apparently back pain is extremely common with pouch of Douglas endo. I just wish I'd know before I spent hundreds on various treatments for my 'bad back' none of which worked. No I know why! Xx
They kept telling me my bowel pain was referred pain, even though I explained that it wasn't just pain it was pressure and swelling, swelling that I could actually see at times. I had my lap last week. The very part of the bowel they'd said was "referred pain" and at other times blamed on IBS and poor diet was adhered to the abdomen wall by endometriosis. I'd had to diagnose myself with endometriosis as the GP's and specialists wouldn't listen until I went to someone who specialises in endometriosis.
I asked for an MRI test years ago which would have shown up the numerous cycsts, if it had been found back then I would have not been ill for years, ended up unemployed with my career in tatters and needed a hysterectomy. Insist they give you an MRI scan.
I too am experiencing terrible back pain that radiates down my right leg too. The doctors sent me to a physio. I'm having another scan next week but they still won't do a lap just keep offering different hormone therapys 😬😬😬😬
yes i do if it helps, i was also told sciatica nerve can be affected by endo xx
As others have said it is absolutely legitimate. It is very common, to the point where it is entirely ridiculous for any surgeon of doctor to write it off as imagined or simply referred pain. It is another indication that the medical profession are worryingly ignorant about the condition despite all the information out there. Back pain is listed as a pain symptom in almost every endo-related website I have ever been on, and all the women I have talked to experience it to some degree, whether a deep lower back burn or ache, sciatic style pains or a combination of different pains. It could be inflammation causing pressure on ligaments or nerves, but also as Cerysr points out it can actually grow on the sciatic nerve itself.
My physio and a couple of massage people have said to me that it is a lot to do with fascia (connective tissue). Everything in the body is connected by fascia - it's like a big spiders web. Surgical trauma (i.e. endo surgery) as well as the endo itself will mean some (or often a lot) of an endo sufferer's pelvic region will be stuck and locked up with adhesions and scarring. The fascia will be affected in these areas too. This pulling will have a knock on effect in the fascia elsewhere in the body because it is all linked up. Your organs are supposed to be free-moving and independent from one another, but as with others all my organs in the pelvic area are stuck together and I can feel the direct connection between this immobility and the immobility and pain in my lower back. After my first surgery where things were freed up I experienced a lull in the back pain for a couple of months, but unfortunately things got stuck again and the back pain reappeared alongside the other endo pain.
Your own back pain could be down to one of many of these things, or a combination, but either way, don't let anyone tell you it is imagined, you know your body
It could be referred pain. I had stage 4 endo but before my op sometimes my back was more or as sore as my pelvis. When my ovaries complained it always radiated through to my back. I think it cam depend on the stage and or location of the endo what symptoms or where u have them.