So I have been suffering with an as yet undiagnosed stomach problem for 6 months meaning I couldn't take any pain killers (made me sick) and struggling to keep on top of my diet.
I've had.period pain for 8 years (I've had 3 periods painless, my first and 2 when travelling). With everything that's been going on o was no longer coping with the pain (taking time off work and just wallowing in self pity for the 3 heaviest days).
I was prescribed cerazette and started it he next day as I'd just got my period (and was told to)
my doctor said I probably would get periods any more but if I did they would be light and pain free. I was already on the first few days so didn't expect any difference. I hoped it would be my last period! My period ended and I had 2 weeks with no problems, my skin isn't great but as I said my diets been a bit iffy. Also I am happy to exchange heavy, lomg, painful periods for bad skin!
2 weeks later and I started bleeding. 2 days it was a bloody discharge, only really noticable when going to the loo. Then it got heavier, nowhere near usual but heavier. Today it's getting heavier, and I'm in pain again!
Can anyone tell me if this is And how long will I bleed for? I've got a weekend away on the 12th and can't be like this! How long after stopping taking it will I bleed for? If I give it 6-10 days like a normal period and the stop taking it will I continue to bleed anyway?
If any one can help me I'd be grateful, I e had 6 months of being ill and 1 week out of 4 bleeding and in pain, I can't cope with being like this even more! And miss out on the first fun thing I've planned since May.