Hello all. I normally post on here when I'm feeling down or need a moan or some advice but for once I have something positive!
I recently had a HyCoSy done after the insistant badgering to my consultant. Even though I'm in a happy and stable relationship I'm not currently trying to conceive but at 33 with stage 4 endo I want to know what the score is regarding getting pregnant ediecialky knowing I have endo/scarring on my fallopian tubes and 1 ovary is stuck where it shouldnt be...
Well. The HyCoSy has confirmed my tubes are not blocked!!!! Im ovulating and my BFs swimmers are swimming their hardest!!!! We'll have the sane chances of getting pregnant as anyone else π
As I'm turning 34 in 5 weeks we'll be trying sooner rather than later but it certainly takes some of the pressure off to start straight away and as I'm still in the fiest year after training at my job this is good to know.
It's been a long, hard and very emtional time getting here but things could actually be going my way.
Watch this space for pregnancy announcements! π