Hi Ladies having a really bad day this cramping back and hip pain is ridiculous and feel so drained and lethargic : ( gotta drag myself into work at 2 I just can't afford to keep having time off I'm just so sick of pain : ( sorry just needed a moan to ladies who understand my pain x
Pain feeling down: Hi Ladies having a... - Endometriosis UK
Pain feeling down

Sorry to hear this! It's horrible always being in fear of losing your job especially when us women that suffer have do much to put up with. I am in the same position im wondering now much longer I have left at work before I get the sack! What type of work do you do? Is there any support for u at work? I know how u feel, everyday I wake up in pain wishing to just be normal again. It's so so draining in all aspects. Keep ya head up and always remember to not beat ya self up. It's non of our faults . I hope u feel better later on x
Hi Alison thank you for your reply I work in supported living with adults with learning disabilities and mental health worked there for 6 years work are very supportive so if I ring in sick they understand I'm very lucky with that its just my wages are short all the time losing time off every month and since having my daughter 2 years ago I only work 16hrs per wk now and the pain always seems to hit around days I have to work !!! Just finished my shift and alarm is set for 5.30am cus I'm bck in in the morning on a 7 till 3 shift and still feel so ill and in pain : ( xxx
Whilst on the subject of 16 hours.. im looking to drop a shift so im on 16 hours as Working like I am is killing me off! Lol. So if that was to happen do u know of any benefits I may be able to claim to support my home and me etc?? I need to drop a shift as im always in pain but u also need financial help. Any advice? X and yes why does this pain happen when we are going to work?! I think it's the fact that subconsciously we r waiting for it to play up specially before work starts. Kinda set our selves up I think in a way. I've just finished a night shift and I didn't think I would be able to make it.. feeling really sick, tummy pains, headache and so so drained. I'm terrified of losing my job! I hope u find some relief today I really do. All the best xxx
Alone and no children. Sad times lol x