Hi ladies,
I need a bit of a rant because at the moment I'm crying my eyes out & don't know how much more I can take. Just seems not a day goes by at the moment where I'm not having some kind of bad luck- my endo pain has been getting worse recently- I'm due on my period & for the last few days I've been having agonising cramps & bowel spasms like never before. They've sometimes been so painful that I'm crying out & the doctor told me just to "increase meds to every 4 hours" which isn't helping. Last week i had to go to the drs because I've had a horrible ear/nose/throat infection which wont go away, even though they gave me antibiotics & I've got yet another kidney infection which won't go away. Then to top it all off a couple of days ago I dislocated my right thumb (I have hypermobility & weak bones so am prone to dislocation & fractures) it popped into place again, so I thought it would be fine. Last night it dislocated again so I ended up in a&e, they did an xray & it also showed that I had somehow broken one of the little bones in my hand & they think I have ripped the tendon, so now I am in a special splint & having to go back to fracture clinic. I already have to wear a splint on my left arm because of damage from a few years ago & birth defects, so basically I cant use either of my arms for much (trying to type with one finger so this is taking ages) & I'm just so unbeleivably frustrated & upset. Usually I try to keep cheerful but I've been in tears most of the day because I'm in so much pain & feeling generally really down. My partner is having to help me with so much already & i just feel so horribly guilty for putting all of this on him- he's such a kind, caring guy & I'd be lost without him, but I feel like such a burden because of all this. I just don't know how much more bad luck I can really take anyway, rant over. Hope you are all well & pain free today ladies. Thanks for reading
Jes xxx