I had my second surgery on 5th August where they found endometriosis and scaring which they removed as best they could. Unfortunately I ended up catching an infection and my endometriosis pain came back. I'm having severe chronic pelvic pain that has been floored, screaming in agony and bed bound.
So I went to my doctors and was given a new doctor who specialises in female health. She basically told me that I was depressed, gave me strong anti depreasents even when I refused as I aren't depressed and said that I need to think of relaxing techniques as it's 'all in my head'. She has even dramatically reduced my pain relief too. I usually take tramadol 2 or 4 times a day and sometimes morphine when the pains severe but she has stopped the morphine and has only given me enough tramadol for 1 a day.
I know opiates are bad for you and I feel horrible taking them but sadly they're the only thing that helps the pain. Plus, I only ever take them when I need them and have never abused them in any way.
I'm worried as I feel that maybe it is all in my head but the pain I feel is so very real. Has anyone else experienced this with a doctor before?