hi just wondered if anyone knows how long recovery is for total pelvic clearance, that is removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix (I had subtotal hyst last year) and excision of endometriosis with poss bowel resection. Any info would be great, plus does anyone know if endo will come back without my ovaries or could I still end up in pain.
radical endometriosis surgery recovery. - Endometriosis UK
radical endometriosis surgery recovery.

I'd be interested to know to as this sounds exactly same as me my gyni consultant says in all the years he's been practicing he's never seen a case as severe as mine it's been on going for 2half years
its really bad its taken over 13 years and now my body is in right mess. Hope you go on ok xx
you sound just like me, i had pain before but I'm so low at the moment, my family don't understand which doesn't help. My heart is with you xx
I'm fortunate my families fab & so are most friends I've had to hire wheelchair just so can go out otherwise I'd go stir crazy it's awful. Thoughts with you x
Took me 4 months to feel well I started hrt after 3 months I am now pain free and feeling good x
ooh 4 months that's longer than I had hoped, did you have a bowel resection too? x