So, following on from my middle of the night post between waves of agony passing blood and blood clots in my urine, I’m no further forward. The dip test they did on Saturday morning ‘lit up’ for everything, including infection markers so I was given antibiotics. 3days worth. I’m still in pain (more than usual) and I’ve just got back from the dr having been given a further 4 days antibiotics, because I’m still in pain with it, but there is no more blood and the sample I took today tested clear. Still waiting to hear if the sample that was sent away had confirmed infection. In the meantime I’m in a flare, absolutely sick of this sh*t, my Gyne’s secretary was going to try and fit me in on his next lists and let me know last week but never did and now she’s off, seemingly nobody else can help me. I’ve been waiting for over 18 weeks since I changed over to him as a specialist, before that I was waiting for general gyne who I had no confidence in, and before that I was trying various contraceptives etc to see if they helped. And in the meantime I’m in a massive amount of pain with every cycle, it’s effecting my life, my work, my family.
Nobody understands quite like you guys do!
Rant over i clearly needed to get it off my chest. Any words of wisdom accepted as always ❤️