Hi all. It's been a while since I have posted here.
A year ago, I had the mirena coil fitted in an attempt to treat my endo. After about 6 months, it started helping. However a month after it was fitted I developed nerve pain in my pelvis, horrible pain that feels like electricity and makes me feel sick. I was admitted to hospital in the most agony I have ever been in, severe endo inflammatory type pain with nerve pain as well. The gynecologist concluded that the mirena had caused this nerve pain and put my on amitriptyline (75mg a night). It helped, but the nerve pain never went away, but was managable.
Over the last few months my symptoms have worsened and I have been in quite a lot of pain. My nerve pain has got really really bad, and over the last two weeks its got to the point that I am in constant pain, like I am being electrocuted from the inside! It is so painful and its not going away. I'm worried that this is being caused by my mirena and that its going to have to come out, because I honestly feel like it might be doing some damage in there.
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping to get hold of my specialist nurse tomorrow so will hopefully get some advice. Not sure how much longer I can bear this pain though.