Hey was just wondering if anyone could tell me if its normal for 1st period after removal of severe endo to be really painful n do the periods get better the 2nd or 3rd etc time? Thanks.
1st period after removal of endo - Endometriosis UK
1st period after removal of endo

It is normal , my first period after my lap was the worse one I've ever had. But it's because your body is still healing ..A laproscophy is a big surgery a lot of stuff is going on inside your body and it has been poked and prodded .. Mine didn't get better until say my 4th but everybody is different , when I inform my gynocolagist about it he said it was normal. What medication do you take? Try a long hot bath, hot water bottle.. Must most of all rest. X
My periods were really bad the first 2 after the operation like a real 'dragging feeling' and very late which is unlike me. By the 3rd one I was totally pain free and back on track, like a miracle!! I'm also having accupuncture so not sure if that helped too!
Hope they are ok for you and wish a speedy recovery!! X
Thank youse both very much for the replies..it's made me feel a bit better knowing its normal and let's just hope the next few periods ease off!😊x.x.
Hi, I had a lap and removal of endo behind uterus and ligament 13 days ago and had a period 4 days after, it was abit wierd kept coming and going for about 6 days and painfull, but obveriously still recovering from op so I was expecting the pain, hopefully next month will be better xxx