morning ladies. I am currently under general gynae at the hospital and considering changing to a bsge approved endo centre. if any of u have any good / bad experiences of any of the above it would be appreciated. please remember no names. dont want to get anyone into trouble. thanks all x
thinking of changing to bsge approved Man... - Endometriosis UK
thinking of changing to bsge approved Manchester / Birmingham or Stoke

I have heard good reports on one of the Manchester ones and the Stoke one. No knowledge of Birmingham.
Good morning ladies.
I am new to this site. I am 29 years old and was diagnosed last year through laparoscopy.
I have just read your post about going to an endo centre I've never heard of a specific centre, please can anyone she'd some more light on these centres?
Thanks ladies x
hi kirstybooth. I hadnt heard of them either. not until I had a negative laparotomy anyway. if you search bsge accredited endo centres there is a list of qualified specialists. is best to see one of them in order to get the correct/best treatment. x
Thank you for your reply. How do you approach the centre do you need to be referred? X
if u print out the info your gp they can refer u. (u have a right to choose yourself). also if u have severe/deep endo nice guidelines say u should be treated at one of these centres. your gynae can also refer u. x
Thank you so much for the info that has given me another avenue to persue. I had laparoscopy last year followed by 6 zolodex injections which worked miracles but since the last injection my pain has increased to the point now I am off work again due to the pain. I am now waiting for a re referral back to my Gynae it's a nightmare x
Having just read what Brownlow and Dawntildusk have said, above, about bsge accredited endo centres, why isn't this information posted on here more often?
Whether it's by us - the users & posters - or by Endo UK itself, surely we should keep putting this info out there, again and again?
It would appear that loads of people who use this site don't know about these centres, or they wouldn't put up with the repeat visits to GPs who fob then off, or to consultants who are still telling them out-of-date stuff, that they are constantly telling us on here.
Hi Lindle,
Thanks for that. I've made a note of you and the relevant post, and I will try to direct others to it - where appropriate - whenever I'm visiting here, and it crops up with someone.
Many thanks on behalf of everyone for all you've done, and for all you advice on here.
Fortunately my problems seem to over (for me it never was as awful as most people on here seem to experience - until I got to perimenopause! - but the mirena saw me through that okay. I'm due to have it removed, and just worried in case there will be a resurge of endo when progesterone levels drop again. My hormones are now of post-menopausal levels, and I can have the coil out - or at my age, my GP says I can keep it for another 2 years, just in case ... not sure what to do. I'm planning to go back to GP (she's good, just a bit scary) just to ask more about any negatives without Progesterone.