do endometriomas have to be removed or is it ok to just ignore them?
endometrioma: do endometriomas have to be... - Endometriosis UK

thank u for your reply. thats pretty much what I thought after the hours of researching on the internet. I feel like i am going round in circles at the hospital. the last time I went they put me on cerazette to tricycle but that has made me bleed constant for a month. I am due to go back to gynae tomorrow so will see what they have to say. (the cerazette has reduced the pain considerably even though it has caused the continuous bleeding)
What size are they out of interest?
I found out about mine when it was originally 4cm. We decided to leave it and monitor as I was just going through an ivf cycle. After this failed, unfortunately it grew... And quickly. It started to cause me pain so I booked in for surgery to have it drained (which was the wrong decision... The cyst needed to be excised and not just drained, but I was led by my consultant and didn't know better)
By the time I got to surgery it was 8cm and very painful.
Then I had a few fertility treatments and some time on zoladex but when I got scanned due to pains again the cyst had refilled and was 6cm. So I got put on the list for more surgery. Unfortunately I waited 5 months due to nhs waiting times..... I can't tell you the pain I was in during the last few months. It was hurrendous and I have no idea how I stayed sane or out of hospital.
It was 10 x12cm at surgery.
In my experience surgery to remove them and to treat endo elsewhere is essential. They can grow really quickly so best to get them removed ASAP. x
hi flowerpotts. last june a scan showed an endometrioma on my right ovary which was a touch bigger than 5cm. I had an op to remove it only to be told it wasnt there. 6 weeks after I had another scan which showed 2. they were about 2cm each. I have had another scan and now I have one on right (3cm) and a new larger cyst on my left. they arent sure what type of cyst this one is though. I am on cerazette so not sure how this will be effecting things either. thank u for your advice x
I strongly urge you to follow Lindle's excellent advice.
The only thing I want to add is that fibroids broadly manifest in 3 different ways.
- They can be attached to the 'outside' of the uterus and protrude into the abdominal cavity. These ones can be seen during a laparoscopy.
- They can be attached to the inside of the uterus and would not be seen during a laparoscopy. They can be seen by a hysteroscopy (camera into the uterus)
- They can be embedded within the uterine wall. I should think mor difficult to spot visually but should show up on an MRI.
I'm so sorry to hear all you have been through but it is time to change doctors and get the help you really need. Best of luck. x
Me too Lindle, me too. It is the same story over and over and over and over . .
thank u so much ladies for all of your info. it has given me a lot to think about. I definately wont be letting the same people operate on me again. been there and got the scars to show for it!!
Thank you for all this - Very informative. I too have a specialist who isn't mentioned as part of the endo team at an accredited centre. Lindle - you mentioned that progesterone wouldn't have any effect on endo in the pouch of douglas. Can you tell me why? I had excision surgery for endo in the pouch of douglas and various other areas including the removal of a 5cm Endometrioma about 6 months ago, and was told to take Northisterone 3 times a day for three months, and then 21 days with a seven day break. I am now trying to come off it altogether and having problems with breakthrough bleeds amonst other things. My first instinct was not to take it at all, but did as I was told as we often do. Have I wasted my time??